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I understand the desire by science agencies to sex up their findings to generate public interest and funding, and news agencies looking for sensational copy swallow it up and shit it out with bells and whistles on.


They don't even know if it is a rocky planet but the scientists (or their press officers) are calling it "Earth 2.0" and we have artists impressions of an earth-like world misleadingly not labelled as such. Who really thinks that these are actual images of the planet? Well a great many people do. People who don't take a huge interest in space science but have also seen the images taken by hubble and other craft of from our own solar system. It is not beyond belief that these may be actual images to those who don't know precisely what sort of images we are capable of taking.


Because of the simplistic impression that most of us lay people have of these highly technical issues, we are in danger of coming away with the wrong impression. This is irresponsibly stupid for agencies that are supposed to be about promoting knowledge. Cue the man down the pub saying "I heard they found a second earth". Fucks me right off.

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It is always nice to know these things but this, and other discoveries like it, well, of what use are they? This 'planet' is 2,939 TRILLION miles from earth. It would take 500 years travelling at the speed of light to reach it! In fact, the light from this planet is already 500 years old, as we see it.



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That NASA artist has some imagination, 500 light years away and he comes up with this, and to think we have only just got to see what Pluto really looks like and that's less that 500 light minutes away..





Look at the latest image of earth, what 3 letter word is upside down in the circle? (Disney have a habit of doing this, perhaps the same art team as NASA?)


This is straight from Mojos link...no manipulation other than the oval..




Could it be they are messing with our minds?

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