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Cycling in Fog

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Cycling. Period. Don't do it.


I can't think of a single positive experience with a cyclist on the road. They get in the way. Only yesterday one was in front of me and I tried repeatedly to speed up to overtake the bastard and then every time the other side of the road was clear for me to overtake. the prick would speed up. Then when traffic was on the other side of the road they'd slow back down. Cunts.

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Don't do it.


I was going over the mountain yesterday at about 7ish, and I come to the end of the Mountain Mile that is in thick fog, when suddenly, a wild cyclist appears. With no lights, wearing black. This is, what most would term, a Bad Idea. And others might even call Very Dangerous.

Were you driving too fast for the conditions? There's loose sheep up there. Think of the sheep.
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Don't do it.


I was going over the mountain yesterday at about 7ish, and I come to the end of the Mountain Mile that is in thick fog, when suddenly, a wild cyclist appears. With no lights, wearing black. This is, what most would term, a Bad Idea. And others might even call Very Dangerous.

Were you driving too fast for the conditions? There's loose sheep up there. Think of the sheep.

And keep both hands on the wheel.

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Don't do it.


I was going over the mountain yesterday at about 7ish, and I come to the end of the Mountain Mile that is in thick fog, when suddenly, a wild cyclist appears. With no lights, wearing black. This is, what most would term, a Bad Idea. And others might even call Very Dangerous.

Were you driving too fast for the conditions? There's loose sheep up there. Think of the sheep.


Pretty sure they've fixed the fence now. And I can't go too fast for any conditions given the 999cc my car has.


Oh another grumble is the packs of cyclists who wave around the middle of the road instead of riding single file when cars pass, as per the highway code.

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They don't pay road tax either. Or insurance. I think that covers everything.

They wear Lycra. I think that covers it. Or I I wish it did. There's nothing worse than seeing tiny knobs bulging out through skin tight Lycra.

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