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The New Drug Laws In Amsterdam


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is it true that you can only smoke blow in amsterdam from next year if your a resident


No it's not true although the city council/government wanted to do this. However, they wouldn't be able to as it would be classed as discriminating against other EU citizens.


They have, however, stopped issuing new license for coffeeshops in an atempt to stop the city being known for its dope (as if!).



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Afaik Its illegal to smoke canabis in Amsterdam the police just turna blind eye.


It is also illegal to buy & sell in quantities over 5 grams.


Which i dont know is a lot or not.


It's not illegal anywhere to smoke it. It's a civil offence to possess it (similar to the UK) although this is never enforced. They will turn a blind eye to legal dealing of the drug (i.e. coffeeshops and headshops). To sell cannabis in most Dutch cities you need a license from the local council. Sellers of the drug must not advertise in anyway and must ensure their premises are free of hard drugs and violence (when has a stoned person ever started a fight?)


Coffeeshops are not allowed to sell more than 5 grammes to a customer although you are allowed to buy 5 grammes from each shop. The amount you're allowed to possess without penalty is 30 grammes. 5 grammes is quite a bit and would last most people several weeks IMO.


The Dutch also frown upon people smoking in public, i.e. not outside a coffeeshop.

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I can see the point in Holland not wanting "non-locals" being allowed to smoke.


Although I could hardly see it being enforcable.


People have suggested in the not too distant past to decriminalise weed over here to promote tourism, whilst I've got no problems with anyone having a smoke, I think the "dope tourist" thing would not be good for the island.


I think this is the reason people in Holland have had a go at stopping this - it casts a bad light on the casual smoker and just attracts idiotic tourists for a "hit" they could probably get at home if they could be bothered to look hard enough.


I have been to Amseterdam a number of times, and sometimes I've had a smoke, but this has never been my main reason to actually go there, when I have been to foreign countries, I try to get a little bit into the culture of the place and learn something, not just get off my face.

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Matty makes a fair point. Most of the people who go to Amsterdam only know it for the availability of cannabis, pornography and the red-light district. Amsterdam, however, is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and one of the most interesting ones with a fascinating history. The canal-boat trips are superb, the Rijksmuseum is one of the most enjoyable I've ever been to, as is the Van Gogh museum, and there are so many other places of interest to visit. It's unfortunate that the city is now best known for pot and porn and, to be honest, I wouldn't like the same thing to happen here.

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Matty makes a fair point. Most of the people who go to Amsterdam only know it for the availability of cannabis, pornography and the red-light district. Amsterdam, however, is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and one of the most interesting ones with a fascinating history. The canal-boat trips are superb, the Rijksmuseum is one of the most enjoyable I've ever been to, as is the Van Gogh museum, and there are so many other places of interest to visit. It's unfortunate that the city is now best known for pot and porn and, to be honest, I wouldn't like the same thing to happen here.


I would say that it is because of the country's tolerant attitudes that people go there. In many ways they are what makes the Netherlands a great country. It has culture far superior to other countries of similar size and it has resisted the temptation to consider soft drugs and prostitution as a crime and instead tried to combat it by making it legal.


You're right the museums are fantastic. The Rijksmuseum is the finest museum I've been to outside of Italy. In addition there is a Sex Museum and Cannabis museum which are both very tasteful and suprisingly informative.


Having been there a few times though I would say that the majority of tourists are still there because of the culture. It's only for the Brits that drugs and sex are more important. British stag parties are terrible although most of them are drunk not stoned and can make the place seem like Douglas or any other backwater British town on a Friday or Saturday night.

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Have also been to Amsterdam a couple of times and it is a beautiful city. Visited the The Rijksmuseum museum and Cannabis museum, as well as plenty of other interesting places. Also hopped on a train and went to see Gouda and Utrecht - nice to get a feel for other parts of the the country too.


We did go have a skeet at the red light district and amazingly enough there were tourists taking their children for a look round too.

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