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I have been watching the news on Sky and following it on the BBC website and it does appear that Israel is using a "disproportionate use of force" lately. I have never really followed or understood the Israeli situation over the last 10 years, but from what I have seen lately it doesn't add up. Two Israeli soldiers are kidnapped and others attacked and killed by a Terrorist organization based out of Lebanon, so Israel launches air strikes against civilian targets and also attacks their civilian airport, in total killing around 50 civilians. Are Israel right do what they are doing, or are they just seriously p*ssed off (and is it justified?)

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If all sides don't get a grip shortly, the situation could get out of hand fairly quickly. Israel say they are only attacking terrorists, but as Hezbolah are backed by both Syria and Iran (who Israel say are aiding Hezbolah) this could lead to any number of outcomes, possibly even including the reoccupation of Lebanon by Syria. It's a right mess.

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The UN seem to be prety unanimous in their concern about Israel's "disproportionate use of force", killing many civilians along the way.


- IMHO it seems to be that Israel is causing a right shit-storm in the Middle East, knowing it is going to be backed up by the US, giving the yanks an easy excuse to come storming in to invade Iran for the oil dollar.


- The future's bright, it's wolrd war III...

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I have been watching the news on Sky and following it on the BBC website and it does appear that Israel is using a "disproportionate use of force" lately. I have never really followed or understood the Israeli situation over the last 10 years, but from what I have seen lately it doesn't add up. Two Israeli soldiers are kidnapped and others attacked and killed by a Terrorist organization based out of Lebanon, so Israel launches air strikes against civilian targets and also attacks their civilian airport, in total killing around 50 civilians. Are Israel right do what they are doing, or are they just seriously p*ssed off (and is it justified?)


I don`t here any1 saying Israeli Terrorists, one law for them it seems! I wonder if that nut-case bush will

leap to the rescue?


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I wondered how long before someone posted here about the Israel retaliation against terrorists.

What I find almost funny is how the idea that this is simply about the kidnapping of two soldiers. It isn’t.


Apart from anything else for months now there have been increasing numbers of rocket attacks across the border from Lebanon in the North, and from the recently returned Gaza strip in the South.


These rockets, described on BBC and others as being “home made”, and I’ve even seen descriptions of them as being “Primitive”, are actually very sophisticated weapons indeed. That they are manufactured in small factories in no way detracts from the sophistication of these devices or their effectiveness.


This conflict is NOT of Israelis making. Peace could be established in the region very simply though it would take a little time for confidence to build. All it would take is for the palests to unambiguously and explicitly accept the right of Israel to exist, and announce an end to and actually stop their attacks.


The continued and escalating attacks against Israel, especially from Gaza where the palests had been offered an olive branch only to once again see it being turned into a weapon, could only ever have one of two outcomes.


One is unthinkable and would result in a mass of fused silica sand as we will never leave what is ours for our enemies to use, at least not use until the blue glow has subsided on our as well as their lands.

The other is that Israel would strike back and strike back hard.


After all, when there is everything to loose there is nothing to loose.

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Rog - If it's the minority terrorist population that is launching attacks against Israel, what can be achieved by bombing their civilian airport (used by Americans etc), their power stations, blockcading ports etc. That seems to be making the situation even worse. The latest news is that Israel believe the kidnapped soliders are being taken to Iran. It doesn't look promising at all.

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Rog - If it's the minority terrorist population that is launching attacks against Israel, what can be achieved by bombing their civilian airport (used by Americans etc), their power stations, blockcading ports etc. That seems to be making the situation even worse. The latest news is that Israel believe the kidnapped soliders are being taken to Iran. It doesn't look promising at all.


The airport is closed to prevent arms and supplies being brought in as was done in the past. Same with the ports. Same with the bridges and the Damascus road. The terrorists have huge stockpiles of weapons in The Bekar Valley and maybe even WMD from Iraq.


The “smart money” says that they do and there has even been a clam by hammas that a chemical warhead has already been fired into Israel. If that does happen, and is proven to have happened, then Israel will absolutly respond with all appropriate means bar none.


As for the terrorists in The Lebanon, they may be the minority in numerical terms but they’re located in four specific areas and are hugely influential over the population and the Lebanese government.


This war could very well be a very big one indeed. I hope not but there it is.


For years Israel has been attacked and so far has been reserved in its responses. There comes a point when the game must change. Like I wrote, when you have everything to lose then you have nothing to loose. Israel is fighting for everything, it’s very survival. The soldiers? Those poor souls were just the final straw.

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The terrorists have huge stockpiles of weapons in The Bekar Valley and maybe even WMD from Iraq.



For years Israel has been attacked and so far has been reserved in its responses.


I'm not going to try to get into the ins and outs of this because there's blame on both sides but there's two points of Rog's response I want to pick up on.


"...and maybe even WMD from Iraq"


Do you still belive the Bush / Bliar bullshit about Iraqi WMD's. It was all spin and lies. You'll be telling us next the Hezbollah can launch chemical weapons in 45 minutes next!


"....Israel......and so far has been reserved in its responses".


Israel reserved in its responses? The Israelis, in my opinion for what it's worth, have been over-reacting and bombing the shit out of civilians for years now. Bear in mind that I in no way agree with what Hamas, Hezvbollah and others have been doing to Israeli's. Both sides are to blame here though if you keep a people down by force they will react with force so I have some sympathies with the palestinian people but not their terrorist organisations.


If there are huge stockpiles of waepons in the Bekar vally then why don't the Israelis take these out rather than civilian targets?

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Do you still belive the Bush / Bliar bullshit about Iraqi WMD's. It was all spin and lies. You'll be telling us next the Hezbollah can launch chemical weapons in 45 minutes next!


Gaza militants say fired chemical-tipped warhead


GAZA, June 29 (Reuters) - A spokesman for gunmen in the Gaza Strip said they had fired a rocket tipped with a chemical warhead at Israel early on Thursday.
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If a terrorist surround himself with his family then they are not civilians. As for the Israelis beating up on civilians, what a load of.


There has been GREAT care to avoid civilian casualties during retaliatory actions against terrorist cells whereas the actions of the palests has more often than not been to TARGET civilians.


This is NOT a case of “fault on both sides” as if there was equal blame for what has gone on. I’m not saying that there has never been fault on the part of Israel but the split is in the order of 95% blame on the palests and 5% Israel and that 1% split probably 33/33/33 between just bad luck where collateral damage took place or the odd Israeli individual went berserk or where strategy was wrong as is the case of the attempt to bring civilisation to savages by establishing settlements in the district.


That didn’t work any more than the damm fool “social Integrated Estates” on the Mainland which mix decent people with scum families works.

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Israel happily goes into the Occupied Territories to collect and/or kill those it sees as its enemies. But when any of the Arab untermensch dare to do the same (on a much smaller scale), it's "bombs away".


They should pull back from all the stolen land (including East Jerusalem), and THEN they might have some moral high ground. But bombing power stations and water supplies for the Palestinians is both collective punishment (a war crime) and disgusting. How the UK abstained from condemning this response in the UN is beyond me

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Israel happily goes into the Occupied Territories to collect and/or kill those it sees as its enemies. But when any of the Arab untermensch dare to do the same (on a much smaller scale), it's "bombs away".


They should pull back from all the stolen land (including East Jerusalem), and THEN they might have some moral high ground. But bombing power stations and water supplies for the Palestinians is both collective punishment (a war crime) and disgusting. How the UK abstained from condemning this response in the UN is beyond me


Beyond you? The reason is simply that you, and a great many other people, simply don't KNOW what's going on.


Now I'm out of here. I am yet to see more than a trace of intelligent comment about the situation in the middle East and I simply can't be arsed with suffering the twittering of the terminally ignorant, prejudices, bigoted, or jsu plain stupid. The few who DO make reasonable comment on the subject, and that doesn’t mean just the very few who agree with me, get drowned out by the pillocks.

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Now I'm out of here. I am yet to see more than a trace of intelligent comment about the situation in the middle East and I simply can't be arsed with suffering the twittering of the terminally ignorant, prejudices, bigoted, or jsu plain stupid. The few who DO make reasonable comment on the subject, and that doesn’t mean just the very few who agree with me, get drowned out by the pillocks.

oooooooooh! I love it when you talk shirty!

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