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Residents In South Of Island In Tsunami Danger Zone


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is there more to the IOM Newspapers Courier story:- "Reasearch into risk of sea surges"??


Coastal communities could be at risk from sea surges, it is feared. Government has ordered a probe into the risk. Transport Minister Phil Braidwood has revealed that assessments will be carried out on the risks of flooding near rivers and at harbours. ...................And now the imminent possibility of rising sea levels has prompted government to act swiftly......."

end quote.


Is it that someone has new information about the likely massive land slippage in the Canary Islands that is going to make the Indian Ocean Tsunami of last Boxing Day look like a small ripple by comprison??

How big is the wave from that event likely to be? Big enough to overwhelm and kill all those in Port St Mary, Carrick Bay, Castletown, Ronaldsway and Derbyhaven...


Surely this is serious and no joke...I mean IOM Newspapers say there is fear..its imminent... and government is to act swiftly.


Which are the Tsunami escape routes? Will they all be signposted? How much of a warning will there be? Where are the safety zones? Should all developement south of Santon and below 400ft be stopped? Does Government have enough emergency food supplies and winter tents for all those who will be displaced..and if not why not?? How quickly can Jurby be re-opened as an airport? Why hasn't the Snaefell landing zone for the last survivors be properly marked out after the last attempted use resulted in the crash cover-up?

Too many questions - where are the answers??What else should Mr Braidwood reveal??


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I saw this in the paper, I wonder who it was that decided that houses near the sea and rivers could be suseptiable to flooding, who ever it was must be extremly intelligent, thank goodness we have such wonderfull minds in government to look after us all. What ever the cost of the probe I've no doubt it will be money well spent.

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...and why should people who have had the common sense not to live right next to the sea or on a flood plain next to a river have to pay for the protection of those that do?

That's just not fair or right...

Those that don't want Government to spend their taxpayers money bailing out the foolish canutes should defend the high ground...

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....the Sulby River flood protection scheme comes to mind..how much is it costing??? all the Island's taxpayers to protect those few people who didn't think before they were foolish enough to buy houses on land that was known to flood....what another waste of taxpayers money - bailing out some rich people with executive houses....who have enough money to make a loud enough noise to get Government attention...

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This information has been around for a while and it is indeed true (as far as I can remember from the BBC documentary on the subject).


I would say that this will be monitored and we would have some time to evacuate those areas in danger...


As far as I understand the Canary Islands are all volcanic and the powers that be simply have no control of the forces of nature.


Look here for more info:



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Worrying indeed, so are we to assume that if one would hit us from that end, that douglas would be safe? It says it would sweep 20km inland in the states, what effect would its hitting the souths of england and ireland have on its run up the irish sea? And would anyone from south have ample time to get the hell out of dodge?

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  • 4 months later...
its probably best to right off all those that live south of Santon....those that live in Douglas and Peel might stand some sort of chance in they get enough warning and the best survivability will be for those in Maughold and Ramsey...is Ramsey all that an attractive place to move to??

'Course it is! it's got..erm..2 Shoprites, 2 Co-Ops, a laundrette, and the Islands finest bus stops and phone boxes, which inexplicably provide amusement for chavs from far and wide!

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