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Long Time No See (again)

Boy With Horns

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But i want to be able to be at least mobile when i have a child lol. I don't really want to wait till i'm past 37 really, so i've got 5 years to sort it out.


A really nice sheepskin coat might be a good investment before going back to NZ, then. ;)

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But i want to be able to be at least mobile when i have a child lol. I don't really want to wait till i'm past 37 really, so i've got 5 years to sort it out.


A really nice sheepskin coat might be a good investment before going back to NZ, then. ;)


what makes you think i'm not woolly enough now? :sheep:

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What happened to Jack from Laxey?


Jack from Laxey has shuffled off this mortal coil. He was run over by a bus in Glasgow. A Leyland Olympian LO13 with ECW low-height bodywork. It was the way he would have liked to go. Thank you for asking.


It is all a little ironic really. The rest of us in the Bus, Tram and Train Spotters group had a few insights into you folks on this forum.


You see, once we had done our weekly visit, say to the MER Depot at Laxey, we would find somewhere to sit and have our picnic. Exhausted, we would usually all sit in silence and contemplate on life, with just the occasional remark now and then being thrown into the serenity.


And Jack would be sitting and thinking a bit and say something like:


“I wonder whatever happened to Yoda, he couldn't half get things going you know . . . ”


or more strangely:


“I haven’t seen that chap whose brain from the First World War used to look down on us, for quite a while . . .”


and also, just to ‘keep on thread’ as you lot might say, “that young lad with the horns sticking out of his head, I haven't seen him about for a while either.”


Of course we all knew he was talking about people he spoke to on the computer in the spare room downstairs. After such comments from Jack we usually allowed a respectful silence before someone interjected with their own personal thoughts:


“Aye, and what are they going to do with the Peel Power Station now I wonder?” say, from Ernie.


But something used to upset Jack, and this is the ironic thing.


“What . . . ” he used to sometimes say “ . . if someone died who was on the Manx.net forum. We’d simply never know would we? ”


There was usually a short silence to allow the thought to settle and then Ernie:


“Aye, true enough . . . but they should never have got rid of the Manx Maid . . .”


followed by Ethel . . . “Do you mean the boat or the ice cream they used to sell in the tubs?”


A short silence as we all considered.....


“The boat, I suppose,” said Ernie, “But I liked the ice cream too.”


Jack always called it Manx.net. He was like that. ‘Didn’t like change’ as they say. He was in a right pickle when the forum got closed and then the name changed. You could just tell. He came in off the computer and just sat there, watching TV. You could tell he was upset because he slurped his tea. He never ever used to do that as an absolute rule. And during Songs of Praise too.


There was one time, we were sat up on Onchan Head in the Steve Hislop Memorial Garden having our picnic overlooking the Tram Depot and taking in the glorious sight of the Douglas Promenade and the Horse Trams. Jack was into his bikes too you know and I felt he had a special place for Steve. I think it was to do with the Big White Norton thing that he rode in the TT. But anyway, we were all there as usual deep in our thoughts. When out he came with it:


Roxanne . . . . . . . . she’s not been heard of for a while you know. . . . I hope she is alright”. And he remained silent for a full three minutes and didn’t even take a bite out of his sandwich, which that day were one of his favourites – cucumber not chopped too finely “to keep the texture subtle”, mayonnaise and a splattering of cress in granary bread with the crusts cut off.


Well it was quite an awkward moment and Doris gave one of her “hmmmms” and tried to give me a knowing look. But I didn’t take her up on it. She can be quite a gossip at times can Doris.


Sometimes, after being on the computer Jack's mood could change for a few minutes. “They’ve gone too far this time, don’t they realise the lad steven has got feelings too?” he might say. We would always acknowledge Jack’s outburst of sentiment, but not enough that we wanted to know more. There was an understanding in that respect.


There was a special place in his heart for you lot, you know. Even the ‘Bad Buggars’ as he used to affectionately call some of you.


Sometimes after a few minutes of announcing he was “just going on Manx.net”, or, “I’m just going on the beach”, you could hear him ranting or sometimes laughing out loudly. And another time he came in with a rather paternal smile on his face “Aye . . . she’s a sweet girl that one . . too bloody good for them lot on there though,” he said with a flick of his head towards the incandescent glow of the computer screen.


There was another time, sat up there on Onchan Head when Jack came out with:

“Aye, that Barby has a right nice looking abatar. I’ve even asked her if she would like to join us on one of our trips.”


Well I . . . we, were absolutely astounded.


“Ooooh,” shreiked Ethel “what have you been putting in his sandwiches? . . . . because I’ll have a jam jar full of it for our Ernie!”.


We all had a right good laugh. And do you know, I still don’t know what an abatar is!


Anyway, thanks for enquiring. The forum gave Jack from Laxey a lot of pleasure.


Best regards

Jackeline from Laxey


(Jack from Laxey RIP)

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What a shame.


Especially how he died, because he told me, in his racier moments that he actually wanted a scraping along the road sort of death under a Leyland Leopard PSU3/3R with Plaxton Panorama coachwork. He was sometimes attracted to modern flash stuff you know Jackeline.


At least he is with us in spirit, even if it is only his last can of Redex.


Can I have his trousers? He was the dead brother I never had.

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  • 1 month later...
At least he is with us in spirit, even if it is only his last can of Redex.


Can I have his trousers? He was the dead brother I never had.


Well I'm not too sure about trousers, Mr Box, but he has left a rather nice collection of anoraks. He used to swear by Berghaus. Real Berghaus that is, not the modern rubbish they make since getting taken over by Viyella.


I have also unearthed his diaries and shall compile them into one of those web logs you folks do.

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