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Irving Pleads Guilty To Holocaust Denial


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I'm pleased to see that one of the Holocaust's most prominent deniers has had a change of heart.


Irving Holocaust trial under way


I think it is worth quoting what he said:


"I'm not a Holocaust denier. Obviously, I've changed my views.


"History is a constantly growing tree - the more you know, the more documents become available, the more you learn, and I have learned a lot since 1989."


Asked if he admitted the existence of the Holocaust, he replied: "I would call it the Jewish tragedy in World War II."


"Yes, there were gas chambers," he said. "Millions of Jews died, there is no question. I don't know the figures. I'm not an expert on the Holocaust."


Personally I am troubled by attempts by various European governments to make holding a certain opinion on the Holocaust a criminal offence, but I am glad that when the evidence is presented in an objective dispassionate way even a former denier has to admit that millions of people were systematically murdered.

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No surprise. Amongst the many revolting aspects of that less than attractive creature’s character is abject cowardice.


I met him once in London some 35 years ago and faced up to him and (to my shame) actually had him by the throat. He cried, like a girl. Begged not to be hit. It was pitiful.


I just didn’t have the heart to give him the pasting he so richly deserves but there’s many a time I wish that I had..


The trouble is that the damage is done.


His various books and those of his kind are on the essential reading list of so many of the Middle East nations who want to see the destruction of a Western democracy in their midst.

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His various books and those of his kind are on the essential reading list of so many of the Middle East nations who want to see the destruction of a Western democracy in their midst.


It's also important not to narrow the view. Such books, tracts and pamphlets provide sustenance to the enemies of democracy - both from the far left and the far right - as well as religious or 'tribal' bigots.

History is too often treated with casual disregard. It is precious. Deliberate distortions and lies should be subjected to prosecution.

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His various books and those of his kind are on the essential reading list of so many of the Middle East nations who want to see the destruction of a Western democracy in their midst.


It's also important not to narrow the view. Such books, tracts and pamphlets provide sustenance to the enemies of democracy - both from the far left and the far right - as well as religious or 'tribal' bigots.

History is too often treated with casual disregard. It is precious. Deliberate distortions and lies should be subjected to prosecution.



I agree but have you actually read the crap he produces?

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I agree but have you actually read the crap he produces?


Is it anthing like





Actually no, more insidious, less obviously damm fool silly, and full of spin and distortions so as to appeal to those desperate to read what they get given by him and his kind.


Irving has one individual that he has worked with - Fred Leuchter - a creature that really does make my flesh creep.


Free speech is one thing, what these people get up to is another thing altogether.

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I think a Chinese writer called Lu Xun summed it up pretty well:


Lies written in ink can never disguise facts written in blood.


However I don't think going for someones throat is any way to correct their lies ... nor locking them up for 3 years.


I just don't think this will help. It'll make him a martyr to the fascists and nazis and publicize his views.


Find him guilty, give him a suspended sentence, make him pay the costs and deport him ... surely a better way to deal with this man.


Edited for those inevitable typos

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well done Rog- for what it's worth. No real harm done in getting a forceful opinion out in public- let irving rot for three years I say and let the liberals go screw themselves



Strange world, Irving being a right wing radical has more in common with you than the liberals you would have screw themselves, after all it was liberals who pushed this legislation, not the right wing neo-cons.

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I think it's a bit more complex than that; the usual hand-wringing stereotype liberals weren't really involved in austria politics post-war and there is a school of thought that this law was really an attempt to avoid interference from outside. He doesn't really have a lot in common with me, but I was making a bit of a gloat that he's shown the folly of liberal law making- sometimes they have unintended consequences. He's a liar, simple as that and probably doesn't really deserve the attention- if he'd been posting on here, the 'tin foil hat' brigade would have been out and make a tit of him. That said, he would surely have known Austria's stance on the law and chose to flaunt it and then got caught and is paying the penalty, so...overall, I'm quite satisfied with the result. I applauded Rog's action simply because of its honesty- I'm not condoning the physical reaction but it was at least honest and he didn't inflict any real harm. but I do agree, strange world!

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Hell. i dont think for a minute that anyone agrees with Irving, mans a knob. its just that again, he is a right winger and somehow his jailing this will teach the liberal left wing a lesson?, dont get it myself im of the left and im chuffed he's been made to recant.

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