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Another Prominent Forum Member Goes For Mhk


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That iomelections.com site is riddled with typos. I mean "experiance"? Has anyone told Phil Kermode what a paragraph is? Who could ever be arsed reading the verbiage on his site for more than a couple of lines?


He leant all about what paragraphs do when he was driving the ambulance.

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Phil Kermode has an appallingly bad web site and would probably do himself a favour in removing it before too many voters have the chance to see it.

Isnt it interesting how his web site is the subject of ridicule [here on the forum] and yet another politician, whose comments as recorded in Hansard, would not be out of place on Phil Kermode's web site, is stoutly defended by all and sundry?

Very strange.

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Phil Kermode has an appallingly bad web site and would probably do himself a favour before too many voters have the chance to see it.

Isnt it interesting how his web site is the subject of ridicule [here on the forum] and yet another politician, whose comments as recorded in Hansard, would not be out of place on Phil Kermode's web site, is stoutly defended by all and sundry?

Very strange.


A very, very good point, on the face of it.


I think however, that you know quite well that in fact it isn't so strange at all. Unless you know something most of this forum don't know.

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I hope you have a good election, whether you gain enough support to be elected is neither here nor there, it is the way you run your campaign that is important to me. Please try to be fair and honest with the other candidates, I have acted in many elections and find nothing is worse than petty and purile squabbling over minutii.

I am jealous you can stand, I wish I could, maybe 2011?

If I lived in Douglas I would be able to read your literature and decide if I liked your politics or not, I don't live there but I do know, from the little contact we have had, that you appear to be a fair and honest guy.

I just hope you know what a pit of vipers you are jumping into.


Best of luck. ;)

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Phil Kermode has an appallingly bad web site and would probably do himself a favour in removing it before too many voters have the chance to see it.

Isnt it interesting how his web site is the subject of ridicule [here on the forum] and yet another politician, whose comments as recorded in Hansard, would not be out of place on Phil Kermode's web site, is stoutly defended by all and sundry?

Very strange.


Rampant Karran-o-phobia again Lone Wolf.


Not like you at all to try to link political posts back to PK being an idiot.


As for Kermode, its hard to type with fat fingers, give him a break.

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Wish you all the best Amadeus! You had hinted at this before and I am very pleased that you have decided to go ahead with it. You are standing in my constituency and my vote is almost cast as what you have posted on here has appeared honest, intelligent and with an eye for the broader picture.


I had the first visit by prospectives this evening (David Buttery), so you need to get out very soon and show your face around the area.


Don't forget Farmhill.

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Firstly: Thanks everyone for wishing me good luck and being generally supportive. This step has been in the works for a pretty long time, quite a while before SID and all that came along, so it's not a decision I took lightly (probably all candidates say that, don't they?).


I'm sure there will be plenty of time for debate and questions in the next weeks, and latest when the website is ready, the debate can really start. For now, I'm getting used to all the things that surround a campaign, and the considerable work involved - work, I am excited about and looking forward to.


Good luck Frank, I know how much hard work you've got ahead of you, so my best wishes on taking it on.



Best wishes to you as well, Steve - a hard nut to crack, I imagine..


And all the Best to Ripsaw as well!


One thing is for sure: This is going to be a very interesting Election for everyone involved, and the large interest it has created already makes hope for good things to come out of it.

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