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Seller Beware


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Ok - don't know if this is the "area" to be posting this, but thought I make you aware of a scam that is going on when trying to sell cars etc


I was contacted by email from an ad I placed in manx.net from a guy called Robert Harris with the following:


Dear sir/madam,

I am Robert Harrison the sales executive officer PHOENIX PROCUREMENTINCORPORATION located on 49,trinity avenue Australia.i specialise in buying goods  for my clients in europe and asia as an agent and get payed in commission .I inform my client about your good ,he said he is interested in buying it and he agree to pay the sum of  £2,750.00

> I  will arrange for the pick up of the good ,so I will want you to reach me as soon as possible if the good is still for sale.Thanks,RObert....


Firstly, seeing as I'm a kiwi, I know that the coffee shops out there are called Robert Harris and seeing the link to australia made me wary. Once I had emailed back saying that yes the car was still for sale I got the following response



      Thanks for the responce and sorry for the late reply.My

client said i should inform you that he would be paying £2750 as

you requested but,the payment  will be made to you by means of

cheque drawn on U.K bank in the amount £5,850 which is a refund

payment from previous cancelled transaction which he made  earlier.

    What you are just required to do is that immediately you

received the check you cash it,deduct your own money(£2750) and

send the excess money of £3,100 on the cheque to his shippers via

western union money transfer(WESTEN UNION COMMISION WILL BE DEDUCT


then,the shippers will order their agents in your area to quickly

come for the pickup and signing of title papers on behalf of our

client and on delivery of the goods,they will handover the balance

of the money to the buyer.

    If you agree with this term of payment,please give me your

NAME in Full,ADDRESS and PHONE # so i can give it to my clientto

make out the payment to you on time.

Thanks,waiting to hear from you soon.



Apparenltly the cheques does "clear" for an afternoon into your account, but is then rejected as it WILL be a stolen cheque and you will now have lost money.


so - please be aware!



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Ive got three cheques pinned to my wall from these con types. i went along, got the cheques then told them to**** off, even got one made out to Alf Uckham. Gotta be someone out there falling for it.

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I still think the african 419 scammers are more creative - I know I've posted the link somewhere else already, but I actually had a good look through the site and it's too good to miss:




These guys call themselves "Scambaiters" and reply to all the good old "My Dear Business friend, I have 18 Mil spare cash I want to share with you" emails, with the prime goal of wasting as much of the scammers time and money as possible - and they take the p*ss out of them along the way.


The best part is the "Trophy Room" - they email back, saying that they require proof that the person they're dealing with is really that person and they want a picture to prove it - the pictures these guys request are then added to the said Trophy Room and are outright hilarious - amazing what greed makes people do..


Although some of the pics may seem degrading or even racist, the site cleary reminds everyone that the people depicted are criminals, trying to scam people out of their money...


edited to add: the site also has the best collection of absolutely ridiculous photoshops I've ever seen - who were they trying to convince with them pictures?...

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I still think the african 419 scammers are more creative - I know I've posted the link somewhere else already, but I actually had a good look through the site and it's too good to miss:




These guys call themselves "Scambaiters" and reply to all the good old "My Dear Business friend, I have 18 Mil spare cash I want to share with you" emails, with the prime goal of wasting as much of the scammers time and money as possible - and they take the p*ss out of them along the way.


The best part is the "Trophy Room" - they email back, saying that they require proof that the person they're dealing with is really that person and they want a picture to prove it - the pictures these guys request are then added to the said Trophy Room and are outright hilarious - amazing what greed makes people do..


Although some of the pics may seem degrading or even racist, the site cleary reminds everyone that the people depicted are criminals, trying to scam people out of their money...


edited to add: the site also has the best collection of absolutely ridiculous photoshops I've ever seen - who were they trying to convince with them pictures?...

I like this one, tis quite funny, Trust Pablo

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I should send a link to my friend for this thread as it was him that came up with this particular one and sent it in to 419eater. I helped him with some of the ideas.


I've got a few Trust Pablo pictures that these 'mugu men' have sent to me along with lots of voicemails, fake documents etc. Some of them are appallingly poorly done but they obviously catch some thick people out otherwise they wouldn't keep doing it.


Scam baiting is tremendous fun though but you have to be very careful as they are very bad people. A guy calling himself John Begki is still sending me voicemail messages on a regular basis (to a fake phone number) saying he is "praying with the church and pasta for my sickness to be cured so we can complete the 100% trusted transaction soonest", after I told him I was going into hospital to have some kryptonite blisters removed, and have since been incommunicado. :)

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Shows how small the world really is - funny to see a manx connection there, though..


Still reading through the site - the letters are just awesome, from Harry Potter emailing back to Don Spaghetti Bolognese and Pizza Pepperoni wanting to do Business in Africa, it's all there - hours of fun..


Two things are infinite: The Universe and human stupidity - although I'm not so sure about the Universe.. Einstein


Think I've got a new hobby - now, what could I call myself?.. :)

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Hmm...I like the Mozart bit - I'm a poor musician and could do with a little cash to fund my lifestyle, have two kids (Papageno and Papagena) and currently live in Così fan tutte, Italy - could work :)

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