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An Idiot Is An Idiot Regardless Of What They Are Doing..


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I'm not branding all dog walkers as selfish idiots - but this was the scene today at South Barrulle plantation. Yes, that is two bags of shit hung from the main access gate where just about everyone who uses the plantation walks in.


What the hell were these individuals thinking ?


A little bit of background info. I bumped into one of the forestry workers last week who was going round putting the "Don't let your dog crap here" signs up - or as he put it "putting them back up".


Seems DAFF have decided that they don't want people leaving big steaming piles of dog shit in the middle of these particular forest roads as they are used by other people who don't have dogs, maybe people out for a walk, maybe mountain bikers etc etc.


So they have decided that certain plantations will be used for specific recreational purposes. Chibannagh is 'the dog walkers plantation' and south barrule is the 'rest of us plantation'.


But the dog walkers aren't happy so they have been tearing the signs down.


That was last sunday. I was in south barrule yesterday and went through this very gate.


Then today on my way into the plantation there was one bag of shit hung on the gate. On the way back there was two bags of shit.


What the fuck are you thinking ? By putting the shit of YOUR dog on the gate that you can affect DAFF ? Nope all you are doing is exposing the rest of us to your filthy fucking habits. I have to go through this gate. Tomorrow there is a Mountain Bike event and I guess it will be one of the organisers who has to remove it not a DAFF worker you filthy fucking bastards.


It staggers me that someone could stoop so low as to do this.


You can not justify it so don't bother trying. Don't give me any lip about "There aren't any bins". You brought the shit out in a dog shaped container in your car so you take it home.


Apologies for the bad language but this has really pissed me off.


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That's piss poor behaviour.


To be honest, I'd be happy to lurk there in the undergrowth just to catch the perpetrators on video. There must be a sign stating the fines surely? I'd be happy to dob in someone doing that bearing in mind that if they let their hound foul within 20 yards or so beyond the path it'd likely decay to a fossil turd before anyone encountered it! If they're too thick to realise that they should be busted! :D

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Am I right in thinking that dogs (four-legged variety) are banned from pubs on the Island?


What's the legislation regarding beaches and the shorline?

Dogs have been banned from pubs for a very long time (happened in the late 70's ish). As the for beaches and shoreline, Douglas bye-laws prohibit the exercising of dogs on the beach during the summer months (April to September, I think). As usual, pretty much unenforced.


Elsewhere the non-towny beaches do not have any prohibitions as far as I am aware. As a dog owner and walker, there are plenty of places to take dogs for exercise which do not interfere with other people's enjoyment and I ALWAYS pick up after my dogs. If there are no bins I take it home with me (although I have on at least one occasion forgotten the bag was in the car, yuk!). The Marine Drive (closed section) is a favourite but it amazes me the amount of doggy do's that is left there.

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Am I right in thinking that dogs (four-legged variety) are banned from pubs on the Island?


What's the legislation regarding beaches and the shorline?

Dogs have been banned from pubs for a very long time (happened in the late 70's ish). As the for beaches and shoreline, Douglas bye-laws prohibit the exercising of dogs on the beach during the summer months (April to September, I think). As usual, pretty much unenforced.


Elsewhere the non-towny beaches do not have any prohibitions as far as I am aware. As a dog owner and walker, there are plenty of places to take dogs for exercise which do not interfere with other people's enjoyment and I ALWAYS pick up after my dogs. If there are no bins I take it home with me (although I have on at least one occasion forgotten the bag was in the car, yuk!). The Marine Drive (closed section) is a favourite but it amazes me the amount of doggy do's that is left there.

Thanks - maybe we could ban children from pubs and let dogs in instead?

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Shocking. I have two dogs, but always pick up their crap.


I think it would have been better if this person just feckin left it. Why go to all the bother of picking it up when you're going to hang it on a fence. What the hell are the thinking?!?! Clearly not the full shilling.

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this is a pretty sick thought but what I'd like to see is based on what you see on the tube..you know they've got saliva recovery kits to identify spitters- well something similar for dog mess and then they could create a database of bad owners- even the fear of such a system might inspire bad owners a bit like the tv licence 'detectors'- or big rewards for people grassing them up backed up with photo/video evidence

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Am I right in thinking that dogs (four-legged variety) are banned from pubs on the Island?


What's the legislation regarding beaches and the shorline?

Dogs have been banned from pubs for a very long time (happened in the late 70's ish). As the for beaches and shoreline, Douglas bye-laws prohibit the exercising of dogs on the beach during the summer months (April to September, I think). As usual, pretty much unenforced.


Elsewhere the non-towny beaches do not have any prohibitions as far as I am aware. As a dog owner and walker, there are plenty of places to take dogs for exercise which do not interfere with other people's enjoyment and I ALWAYS pick up after my dogs. If there are no bins I take it home with me (although I have on at least one occasion forgotten the bag was in the car, yuk!). The Marine Drive (closed section) is a favourite but it amazes me the amount of doggy do's that is left there.

Thanks - maybe we could ban children from pubs and let dogs in instead?

I thought the banning of dogs from pubs was a little OTT. In every pub there would be an old man with his trusted companion sitting good as gold waiting for his master to quaff his couple of Barley Wines before heading off to do a bit of important sniffing, guiding his master home! Sad really that we have very few real pubs left, just bars which aren't as interesting!


As far as kids, well have to disclose my interests here, but there should be a distinction between pubs and food serving bars. Ban them from the first, and welcome them in the second!

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Get some Korean's over here i say they have good uses for dog's.


Typical of some prat's, bit like the Mc Donalds wrappers that blight the islands roads.


Treat the place with a little respect, you would not want to do that on your own garden gate so why do it in public.


Disgusting *astards the lot of them.

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Yesterday evening I walked through a nice big pile of dogshit that some kindly dog owner had allowed his pet to drop right outside my house. I like dogs but I will happily boot the mutt in the crackers if I see this happening again

Better do that to the owners.

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Yesterday evening I walked through a nice big pile of dogshit that some kindly dog owner had allowed his pet to drop right outside my house. I like dogs but I will happily boot the mutt in the crackers if I see this happening again


I bet it was in your shoes that had the most intricate tread pattern possible too?


I stood in some 2 or 3 months back in the back lane behind the house which is a dog do minefield. Was the first time I've fallen victim for years and I almost needed counselling it stank so much!

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