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Who Cares If There Isn't Any Drag Hunting


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On MR there is a story running about drag hunting (in lieu of fox hunting). Other than a few toffs and some wealthy horse owners and comeovers who can dolly off work during the week who cares if it isn't supported.

Surely it can't be right transporting packs of dogs from Buckinghampshire to the IOM and back just so some wealthy yahoos can look poncy riding horses.

If these hunting types really really are keen to do drag hunting then they will be able to afford joining a hunt in Cheshire or somewhere and go over there to do it. The IOM isn't an English county and there never was fox hunting here so maybe the message will get home - drag hunting's not wanted take it away.

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Just because you don't take part in it, doesn’t mean it’s pointless.


Do you object only on the basis that mainly 'toffs' participate?


A Labour supporter by any chance?


Aspiring Middle Classes?




The reverse could be said about mini-motos

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On MR there is a story running about drag hunting (in lieu of fox hunting). Other than a few toffs and some wealthy horse owners and comeovers who can dolly off work during the week who cares if it isn't supported.

Surely it can't be right transporting packs of dogs from Buckinghampshire to the IOM and back just so some wealthy yahoos can look poncy riding horses.

If these hunting types really really are keen to do drag hunting then they will be able to afford joining a hunt in Cheshire or somewhere and go over there to do it. The IOM isn't an English county and there never was fox hunting here so maybe the message will get home - drag hunting's not wanted take it away.

Drag hunting is a sport like any other why are you so posionous about it? if its nothing to do with you then how is it anything to do with you?

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From MR website


"Support us or loose us" call to drah hunters.


There's a rallying cry going out from the island Drag Hunt " support us or you may loose us".


It comes as another pack of hounds are set to come across to the Island for a hunt at Oatlands, in Santon on Wednesday.


The hounds, from the Berks and Bucks hunt will be over with their huntsman: but organisers of the Islands drag hunt, who got rid of their own pack last year and who are now hoping that importing guest packs will gain the support of local horse riders say response so far has been disappointing.

If this latest hunt, on Wednesday, doesn't get good support, the future of the sport on the island will come into question.

It starts on Wednesday at Oatlands at midday.


It has to be midweek as the packs cannot be released at weekends, when they are already in use.


Hopefully the taxpayers of the Island can dig deep and give the top-class journalists at MR a spell-checker

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I do not wish to see fox hunting over here..


It seems pretty sick to think people get enjoyment out of chasing something till it can't run any further,then let a pack of dogs rip it apart..

If fox's are being a menace to farmers, they could always shoot it, if needs be..


(Red Fox don't like big bad Walter and Co. )..



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