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The Island Of Records


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I've been reading an article about the "Miniatur Wunderland" in Hamburg recently - it's the largest model railroad in the world, and these guys manage to attract around 800.000 visitors a year, making it Hamburg's biggest tourist attraction. Apparently, more than 200.000 overnight hotel bookings resulted from people visiting that place alone.


So, 800.000 people go there to look at some model trains...


That got me thinking..


There's a whole load of different world records out there that attract massive numbers of tourists with relatively little effort - once you've achieved your feat, it's there to stay - so, why not scrap all these complicated and expensive branding exercices, send the consultants home, and make it


The Island of Records


Ok, the idea is simple - we need as many world record based tourist attractions as possible, so think along the lines of "the biggest", "the tallest", "the longest", etc.... We've already got the Laxey Wheel and the TT - that should make two for a start, but to really make this work, we need loads more - here are some ideas to get you going:


The World's Biggest Burger


Let AA Gill choke on the manx version - 20 instead of 15 pounds, all done with finest manx beef...


The World's Biggest Flag


It just can't go on that the Yanks hold this record - switch on your sewing machines, 255 x 505 (ft) needs to be beaten...


The World's Longest Paper Clip Chain


Ok, it's something like 22 miles long, but it was done by a school - should be an easy one to beat...


There's loads more out there - some more ideas here - once we've got, say, a dozen+ good ones, just advertise it a little and let the tourists roll in...


All we need now are ideas for records to beat - anyone?....


Oh, and I'm serious about this - well, kind of anyway... :)

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I'll go for the most marshmallows stuffed up a single nostril.


I believe Toxteth O'Grady (USA) holds the record at the moment


Worlds stickiest bogey?


Ahh trying to fool me, thats Toxteth again.


Worlds stupidest bottom burp?


Rik, Britain. :lol:

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I have an idea for the paperclip record.


Might be worth firing an email off to Guinness World Records actually.


I suggested a GWR once before, but there wasn't any interest.


Maybe this time will be different eh?

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Actually, thinking on about this, it could be great PR for the forum.


Do you remember, two years ago I think it was, when Big Brother set a task for the housemates to attempt some world records? I can't remember exactly how many they got (I think it was 3) but, how about having the most world records per head of population or, the most world records for a set number of people?


If we run with the maximum number of 60 people for the paper clip record, and then between those 60 people attempt any other record that takes our fancy, we could really start something big!


Food for thought anyway...

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Actually, thinking on about this, it could be great PR for the forum.


Do you remember, two years ago I think it was, when Big Brother set a task for the housemates to attempt some world records? I can't remember exactly how many they got (I think it was 3) but, how about having the most world records per head of population or, the most world records for a set number of people?

Could you research that a bit? If the container numpties can break world records, then it can't be that hard...


If we run with the maximum number of 60 people for the paper clip record, and then between those 60 people attempt any other record that takes our fancy, we could really start something big!


That's exactly the idea :)


Hmm..if we would now know someone with a shop that sells office supplies :rolleyes:


Found another site about it - clickey


It took 60 people 24 hours to create the chain, using 1,560,377 paper clips, and making it 22.17 miles long - that thing is huge:




Let see if I calculate that right:


1.560.377 paper clips - means, every participant handles 26006 of them.


It took'em 24 hours - so every hour you'd have to fiddle with 1083 of them, or 18.05 per minute, or 0.3 per second - looks possible...

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How about -


The longest time to drive 2 miles in 1mm of snow.


The fastest time you can get from the seat by the 'bar' to the back boarding door at the steam packet terminal (Liverpool) when they unlock it.


The most number of people you can fit through the above door in 30 seconds before the last boat home on a Saturday.


The house thats been for sale for the longest time at an over inflated price (we must get that one!)


The most amount of public consultations over a period of a year (we must get that too)


The number of rejected planning applications overturned by an 'independent' planning inspector.


The number of houses that can be built on a single peice of land.


The number of times the thread 'You know your XXXXX when....' has appeared on a forum.


The Paper clip ones gets my vote ....... round and round the track at the NSC could be a good spot.

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