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** Reclaim The Beats **

Dr Fish

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Word has it that Alan Stacey will be showcasing some of his own productions, aswell as other local producers too. Good to see a more 'organik' approach to Dj'ing on our beloved rock.


A week before the gig, I will be playing one of my new tracks on Manx Radio on the 'Ashley Bentley show' aswell as having a chat with her about the up and coming gigs over the summer.


Good times!! :lol:

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That's very naughty.... was that a typo? Should it have read tiny basement? I thought almost all of the prom was populated with tiny flats these days....


Oh well.... there's an alternative to Paramount at last then.

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Word has it that Alan Stacey will be showcasing some of his own productions, aswell as other local producers too. Good to see a more 'organik' approach to Dj'ing on our beloved rock.


A week before the gig, I will be playing one of my new tracks on Manx Radio on the 'Ashley Bentley show' aswell as having a chat with her about the up and coming gigs over the summer.


Good times!! :lol:



That's right --- should be an ace night ---- can't wait Fishie!


And yes, listen this Sunday on Manx Radio --- the Sunday Afternoon Skeet & Smooze 2:30pm-5pm ---- Dr Fish should be on around about 3pm B)

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I'd rather listen to Manx Westwoods than the perma-drivel that you regularly spout.


Jesus, I'd rather have a pint with the real Westwood than you...and fuck knows I can't stand the buffoon...




Lol, heavy hit after heavy hit (yessir), lol,lol......... I'd rather drink with Westwood than you. He's well funny and plays quality tunes, and you're, well a buffoon really, lol...........



Edit to add


By the way, make your mind up. Is it perma drivel or regular drivel?

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