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[BBC News] Flu pandemic vaccine considered


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The best thing to do is to not avoid catching it. I'm not suggesting you go humping chickens, but I personally wont be taking any vaccines.


Historically, pandemics come in waves. The first wave is the weakest and if you're in good health, you're almost guaranteed to survive it. When it mutates for subsequent waves, it's much stronger and it's these that kill you.

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Yet again more fantastic logic from Dr Parameshwaran Kishore and his team. Back in 2005 they discontinued the TB immunisation programme (BCG injections) for the Isle of Man despite the fact that in the UK and worldwide new cases of TB were on the increase. Every year, in the UK, about 500 people die from the disease (source BUPA).


Nearly nine million new cases of TB, and nearly two million deaths from TB, are estimated to occur around the world every year. TB is the leading cause of death among curable infectious diseases. The World Health Organization declared TB a global emergency in 1993. (source HPA)


Cases of Tuberculosis rise steeply during 2005


Cases of Tuberculosis (TB) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have increased by 10.8% from 7,321 cases reported in 2004 to 8,113 in 2005 according to new figures released today by the Health Protection Agency.


Dr John Watson, Head of the Respiratory Diseases Department at the Agency, said "Levels of TB have been increasing year on year since the late 1980s. This is, however, the largest increase we have seen in any one year since 1999 when we introduced a new surveillance system which provides us with more detailed information about patterns of TB." (source HPA)

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I agree with Mr Unpronounceable we should vaccinate every body against everything. The we can rule the world as some sort madly xenophobic, couldn't organise a p'up in a brewery, supermen.


Now dispatch the giant robotic seagull sculptures to poop on our enemies freshly washed cars Bwohahahaha.

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Plans to vaccinate all Isle of Man residents against pandemic flu are being considered.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/6986912.stm


Why is this man obsessed with bloody bird flu and deaths from flu pandemics?


If you think I'm stupid enough to be pumped full of a vaccine on the off chance that it will cover the strain when found and if it ever happens you've got another thing coming. Turn the record off.

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