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Don't Piss Off Your Boss


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All the buzzwords - Orwellian nightmare - false accusations - bypass existing laws - records on individuals - online database - encrypted password system.



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All the buzzwords - Orwellian nightmare - false accusations - bypass existing laws - records on individuals - online database - encrypted password system.




Unfortunately there are "bosses" whose details would more than adequately supply 'starter records' to kick off the list - now who was that oil company CEO who pretended his major international company had oil reserves that didn't in fact exist??? Got a knighthood for services to industry...and then the boot; and didn't another one get the sack for lying to a Royal Commission...


No doubt the folk setting this business up have gone into their legal liabilities very carefully. It sounds like a potential minefield for litigation if someone is refused a job based on false or misleading information contained in their data base. Presumably the previous employer would be joined into the action if they had supplied such data?


Wait for the first action under the EU Charter of Human Rights....


The charter sets out the range of civil, political, economic and social rights of EU residents. It is divided into six sections, dealing with dignity, freedoms, equality, solidarity, citizens rights and justice. The charter draws from the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights, the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, national constitutional traditions, the Council of Europes social charter and the Community Charter of Fundamental Social Rights of Workers. But it goes beyond enshrining traditional human rights by addressing specifically modern issues such as bio-ethics and protecting personal data.


Suspect that this is an example of scare mongering to create a business where one is not needed if people did their research properly. However... it would be excellent if there was a list set up for politicians who lied to their employers/electors.

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OK, who wants to start up a website which is the obvious corollary of this one: a list of all the shite employers you have ever worked for so that you can check up on a company before you decide whether to apply for jobs there. I could start the ball rolling here with a well-known manx company...

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Just what some of the little Hitlers want, they rule their staff out of fear and bullying. A bad move and open to much abuse by the fascists who don't get their own way and go crying to the authorities because their abilities to structure a decent argument are woefully lacking and they can only deal with it by way of litigation or downright lying.

Ideal for the IOM because I don't know of any employer who would ever act that way.

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Lets also not forget that a lot of people who work in HR are thick vindictive dickheads. This is yet another ruse for some talentless little Hitler to ruin your life.


Criminal convictions maybe, but rumours and stuff that never went to Court, or recording where you agreed to leave when put under pressure. Utter rubbish. Its vile and totally against human rights.


They say you can appeal but the site is password protected and encrypted so how do you know your on there in the first place?

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Oh Localyokel you are my hero! I spent my first year at work with the most horrible nasty women in the world, ever! & that was in a personnel department, I still hate them - I was only 16 & they made my life hell, just for being fat and smoking (Im not a nicotine addict anymore and neither am I podgy - they are still mean and ugly) Little Hitlers, vindictive dickheads - oh yes, you know them! :D

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I would have thought there would be quite a few data protection issues if a local employer signed up for this.


A union response I found - hope that the last paragraph is meant. It would be interesting to see this issue tested in the UK and European Courts.


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Surely this has been happening for years with the 'reference' system that is totally open to abuse, because you never get to see the reference.

How about turning it on it's head and have a register for bosses? If you see a job you can look up what the boss is like, if he goes for another job his employers can have their say, hang on a minute..........

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