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Drink Driving/riding


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I know that this has been done to death, but I would just like to say something.


Many years ago I was arrested for DD. I was guilty and punished for it. I never hurt anyone but myself (thank god) 15 months of walking taught me that DD is not a good idea.


This is just a reminder at this time of year.


Fellow members enjoy yourselves but please make sure you know how you're getting home.


Taxi fares may seem steep but not as steep as feeling a git for the rest of your life!


Merry X-mas all

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From a personal point of view, if I'm going out for a drink even if its "just the one" I do not drive. Dont get me wrong I enjoy a drink, but one leads to two, leads to I'll still be ok, etc etc. Why make things so complicated? e.g. I'm ok after a pint and a half or a glass of wine or one and a half bottles of alco pops one and 3/4 shorts!!?.

Make things simple drive home, walk to the pub, lift walk/home.

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I see there is now a company that takes you AND your car home. It's a great idea. But my idea is better.


At 5.00pm every night I will take you, your car AND the pub home for you . For a little extra cost I will even fill your house with complete strangers and stuff fag ends and empty crisp packets down the back of your sofa. B)

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Many years ago I was arrested for DD. I was guilty and punished for it. I never hurt anyone but myself (thank god) 15 months of walking taught me that DD is not a good idea.


Just to clarify this point, DD relates to reckless / dangerous driving and can include causing death by dangerous driving i.e. conviction code DD80. Whereas, the DR relates to driving or attempting to drive with alcohol above the legal limit and can include things such as driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink / drugs, conviction code DR20.


In order to avoid confusion, it would be more appropriate to refer to such convictions as Drinking and Driving or DR10 etc. For most people, there are very few cases that warrant anything more than careless driving such as conviction code CD10 and the DD conviction code is normally but not limited to Death by Dangerous driving.


The point to this is, if you say "Many years ago I was arrested for DD." to someone that knows what these codes are, they will presume that you were convicted of Death by Dangerous driving or some form of reckless / dangerous driving.


Yes drinking and driving is serious and I'm completely against it. It could well have been DD but let's be grateful that it wasn't!



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Best not to have anything to drink at all, and there's a big purge on the 'Morning after' drivers.


It takes one full hour, for one unit of alcohol to be free of the body.


One unit = 1/2 pint of normal beer, 125ml glass of wine (Careful as some wines are 13%) or one single measure of spirits.


Unfortunatly many other factors come into it, like body weight etc.


I personally have a digital breath testing machine, best £90 i ever spent knowing i'm in the clear the next morning.

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I never hurt anyone but myself (thank god)


That statement kinda gave the game away too.


Did it?


It could have been reckless / dangerous driving but that statement gives the game away?


So what you're saying is that someone can't be done for reckless / dangerous driving unless they've hurt someone else?



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Driving with a few pints on board does give certain benefits.


You can get round corners a lot faster.


You can fit an unfeasible number of people into a car when you've all had a few pints


Young ladies sit on your lap, and change gear for you.


The accelerator becomes your friend.


Life becomes exciting as you never know what is going to happen next


And a real bonus is that you tend to indicate a lot more, so everyone is a lot safer.

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I see no excuse for Drink Driving. Its just not a very clever thing to do.


Did anyone read the Motoring section of the Sunday Times?


A lawyer who specialises in getting drink drivers of with it. Its disgusting.

One case was the guy that played Phil Mitchell in Eastenders. He argued that he could handle his drink. To show this he downed about 9 double vodkas in front of a doctor and the doctor agreed that he wouldn't have felt drunk. He got his ban halved.

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