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Russia has always threatened Poland and stolen its territory when it could get away with it.


What can you expect of a country of get-rich-quick apparatchik ex KGB bully boys? Sabre rattling is a Kremlin pastime. Estonia moves a statue in Tallinn - riots in Moscow. Lithuania won't sell petrol refinery to Gazprom - suspicious refinery blaze. Ukraine elects pro-EU government - gas supplies cut. BP find oil in Siberia so joint venture partners want to get BP out - visas problems suddenly happen. Poland opposes Baltic Sea gas pipeline - Polish meat banned in Russia.


if and when Russia does something more for its ordinary citizens it will become a great country - until then the current bunch are just successors to the Tsars and the fascist/communist regimes of the past.


The only eek is that these buggers do have nuclear weapons and limited judgement so having normal discussions with them seems to be nigh on impossible.

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if and when Russia does something more for its ordinary citizens it will become a great country -


It is already a great country.


Its ordinary citizens actually approve of its current actions. They see it as restoring pride to Russia after the mess of the 90s and the embarrassment that was Yeltsin.

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if and when Russia does something more for its ordinary citizens it will become a great country -


It is already a great country.


Its ordinary citizens actually approve of its current actions. They see it as restoring pride to Russia after the mess of the 90s and the embarrassment that was Yeltsin.

Putin's focus on stirring up problems with Russia's neighbours is classic diversionary tactics - problem at home, create an 'external' threat. If the Russian people approve of the current actions Putin has certainly managed to con them and take their mind off the inequalities at home.


Why would a 'great' country need to do the things that Russia does to its neighbours? Seems like it is a long way off being capable of behaving like a civilised society. For example if the Estonians want to move a statue that they don't like from the centre of Tallinn to a cemetery why does this lead to attacks on the Estonian Embassy in Moscow? Small minded and xenophobic - hardly the actions of a great country.

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Estonia moves a statue in Tallinn - riots in Moscow. Lithuania won't sell petrol refinery to Gazprom - suspicious refinery blaze. Ukraine elects pro-EU government - gas supplies cut. BP find oil in Siberia so joint venture partners want to get BP out - visas problems suddenly happen. Poland opposes Baltic Sea gas pipeline - Polish meat banned in Russia.


Then the lights flickered and died - The opening narrative of Mad Max 2.

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Perhaps a missile site in Cuba would persued the USA to see the error in its actions, god knows common sense wont.

Quite refreshing not to have to put up with the lies of our politos [they have already forgoton Georgia invaded first], no WMD, no ficticious uranium purchases, no we are bringing democracy to the people, but first gorra kill a load, no its not about the oil.

As to border integrity--shall we start a list of American attacks/ invasions starting with say---


Grenada [best not to mention Vietnam]


One pissed off right winger with every one

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Perhaps a missile site in Cuba would persued the USA to see the error in its actions, god knows common sense wont.

Quite refreshing not to have to put up with the lies of our politos [they have already forgoton Georgia invaded first], no WMD, no ficticious uranium purchases, no we are bringing democracy to the people, but first gorra kill a load, no its not about the oil.

As to border integrity--shall we start a list of American attacks/ invasions starting with say---


Grenada [best not to mention Vietnam]


One pissed off right winger with every one

Good idea, you can put nukes in Poland if we can put some in Cuba. You may have something there.

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That's the blokes.

The girlies buy everything else.

If Harrods or Selfridges did Football Clubs, they'd probably buy a few to show off.


edit to add.


Thaksin Shinawatra

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Heard on the BBC this morning tha the Russians, having taken nuclear misiles off their Baltic Fleet warships some time ago, are now going to put them on again because the Poles will host the US early warning radar. Another sign of a 'great nation'?


Do you think Putin has a 'size' problem?

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Putins stuck in a time warp, wants to bring back the good old days of the cold war.

Fortunately, the man most likely to help him won't be in the White House much longer.

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Putins stuck in a time warp, wants to bring back the good old days of the cold war.

Fortunately, the man most likely to help him won't be in the White House much longer.

Egotistical men are dangerous men - and this is all about him proving what a tough guy he is IMO whilst most of his citizens still live crappy lives. I can't see why Bush and Putin couldn't have gone for some kind of a joint defence system in Poland, as the system is designed primarily to protect the west from the middle east. Whilst each have technology to protect e.g. detection systems, I still think they could have worked something out.

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