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Transexual Thread


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It has been made invisible pending discussions with our legal representatives following a complaint. Please refrain from posting any other topics until we've resolved it. Usually the offending posts would be individually made invisible but it's a long thread, I've not been following it and there are lots of nested replies and quotes that need to be checked so it's easier to temporarily remove it from public view.


Please bear with us and don't be dickheads about it. Thanks.

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Gawd, its always the way, I saw the thread before I went for lunch & thought 'I'll have a little read of that later', lunch was lovely (Coast) and ofc the topic of the thread was raised, again I thought "I'll have a little read of that when I get home" lunch became a 3 hour event and lo and behold, by the time I got home... it beed gone! Never mind eh, lunch was ace.

Was it a news story or something?

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Have seen the news story, bit rubbishy & embarrassing (for the Isle Of Man).



I certainly am NOT French, I take exception to that scurrilous accusation Mr PK, lol, no it was very nice sitting chatting with my mum and her friend and time just vanished.

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