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The Era Of 'rolls Royce' Capital Schemes Is Now Over.


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"Public money could 'arguably have been better spent' in the past."


Not anything new from a taxpayerrs point of view - but quite astonishing to have come from the Treasury Minister - especially one delivering his eighth budget.


I wonder, if things do take a turn for the worst, how much of a shake up Politics on the Island will see?


It's going to be an interesting budget!

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"Public money could 'arguably have been better spent' in the past."


I admire Allan Bell for coming out and saying it. The fact is the money is gone and what we have left are the running costs of white elephants like the incinerator and the hospital for the next 40 years, in addition we'll be paying all the MEA debt just at a time when we can't afford it.


There must be quite a few MHKs bricking it by now as when they come up for election in 2010 they are going to be out on their arses just as the chances of picking up another decent job somewhere else is virtually nil. I'm going to look forward to the next elections as you can almost feel the worry already as hardly any of them can bring anything to the table in a recession as they've just got used to frittering away other peoples money for decades. Attention grabbing outbursts about trannies or horse trams just won't cut it when people are worried about homes and jobs - we are going to expect them to actually do something and on past performance its not looking too likely from some of them.


Edited: spelling

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"Public money could 'arguably have been better spent' in the past."


I admire Allan Bell for coming out and saying it. The fact is the money is gone and what we have left are the running costs of white elephants like the incinerator and the hospital for the next 40 years, in addition we'll be paying all the MEA debt just at a time when we can't afford it.


There must be quite a few MHKs bricking it by now as when they come up for election in 2010 they are going to be out on their arses just as the chances of picking up another decent job somewhere else is virtually nil. I'm going to look forward to the next elections as you can almost feel the worry already as hardly any of them can bring anything to the table in a recession as they've just got used to frittering away other peoples money for decades. Attention grabbing outbursts about trannies or horse trams just won't cut it when people are worried about homes and jobs - we are going to expect them to actually do something and on past performance its not looking too likely from some of them.


Edited: spelling


Indeed - also kind of makes me yearn for a government and opposition system too!

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Indeed - also kind of makes me yearn for a government and opposition system too!


Never mind Liberal Vannin will come to the rescue!!


Its just what you need in a recession; a bunch of cloth-eared gobshites shouting at people.


I doubt they're bricking it. Pandering to OAPs, civil servants and corporation tenants is the tactic of choice - those most likely to lose out through change and so those most likely to turn out.


Few, if any, will be thrown out


OAPS - no income because bank rates are 0

Civil Servants - no pensions because we can't afford them

Corpy tennants - no jobs


I wonder what they will have to pander to these people with?

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There must be quite a few MHKs bricking it by now as when they come up for election in 2010


I won't vote for anyone who claims that they knew all along that (insert this or that) - but never previously stood. Actually I would not vote for anyone who decided to stand on a platform which involved blame or sniping.


I fear the election of less competent and more inward looking people. But it would be great to see some internationally minded pro Europeans elected.

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Never mind Liberal Vannin will come to the rescue!!

Not without Peter Karran changing his style, winding his neck in a lot more, and getting a decent speech writer and researcher. He just seems to like to blast off - whatever the subject, whatever his knowledge (or lack of knowledge) - and make himself look a right prat in the process.


That guys actually doing damage to 'party politics' and Liberal Democracy IMO.


I actually cringe now when I listen in to the Tynwald debates and he starts to talk. Shuurup and sort yourself out man!

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I wonder, if things do take a turn for the worst, how much of a shake up Politics on the Island will see?

Unfortunately, I fear it won't see much.


For a sea change we need a good number of decent canidates. Frankly, if we haven't been able to attract them during a period of unabated growth, how are we going to get them on board during a 'barren' period.


Of course, they could be hoping that this is a short sharp dip, and then they will all be able to claim they saved us all come the next General Election.

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For a sea change we need a good number of decent canidates. Frankly, if we haven't been able to attract them during a period of unabated growth, how are we going to get them on board during a 'barren' period.

Through the likes of PAG, (and possibly if they sort themselves out and get some credibility back) LV.


The way things are heading, there'll be lots of senior people really pissed off and possibly looking for a new role in a couple of years. They are actually needed now to lobby, edit, fight etc. on our behalf this 'new order' emanating from the U.S. They just need organising and focussing.

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The way things are heading, there'll be lots of senior people really pissed off and possibly looking for a new role in a couple of years. They are actually needed now to lobby, edit, fight etc. on our behalf this 'new order' emanating from the U.S. They just need organising and focussing.


Have the new administration in the US actually proposed anything unreasonable or which the island could or should not live with?

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The way things are heading, there'll be lots of senior people really pissed off and possibly looking for a new role in a couple of years. They are actually needed now to lobby, edit, fight etc. on our behalf this 'new order' emanating from the U.S. They just need organising and focussing.


Have the new administration in the US actually proposed anything unreasonable or which the island could or should not live with?

Yes - there was a piece in this weeks Examiner 'Business News' - about how the proposed legislation deems all tax havens the same - 'good or bad'. The article, based on a US attorney's thoughts, was basically saying: 'time to get our arses into gear...er...like now'.

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The way things are heading, there'll be lots of senior people really pissed off and possibly looking for a new role in a couple of years. They are actually needed now to lobby, edit, fight etc. on our behalf this 'new order' emanating from the U.S. They just need organising and focussing.


Have the new administration in the US actually proposed anything unreasonable or which the island could or should not live with?

Yes - there was a piece in this weeks Examiner 'Business News' - about how the proposed legislation deems all tax havens the same - 'good or bad'. The article, based on a US attorney's thoughts, was basically saying: 'time to get our arses into gear...er...like now'.


but has the new administration in the US actually proposed anything unreasonable or which the island could or should not live with?

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