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Hi All I would just like to introduce myself, im Tea&Biscuits.

Some of you might remember me as I used to write on the previous forums.


I am 29, live in Tottenham although I was born on the Rock and grew up there etc.

Was in the IOM with my boyfriend for New Year and I was really nervous that he wouldnt like it, but he loved it! He thought everyone was really friendly and he was amazed at the countryside, it was weird cause it takes someone else to make you realise how beautiful the IOM is!


I love London though and this is my home now, but as im gettin older I realise how cool the IOM is!


So anyway hope all who know me, are ok and happy and Im so excited that this is running again, i felt very annoyed when the previous forums were pulled? Can someone tell me why that was? Was it a government thing? If so that STINKS!


Right better go, cheerio!





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I remember tea&biscuits! Welcome.



No, what happened was that someone discovered Steven was an alien and MF was in danger of blowing a covert operation to take over the world.


Many MF users, of course, won't recall the incident because the aliens carried out a memory wipe.


That's what Manx Telecom told me when I inquired about it anway.




Now that Manxchat seems to have gone (I hope not forever though) maybe steven will return here.



About Manx.net going and especially Slim's forum Manxonline. Will some please give the reason, or rather the person/people behind it going. Surely that could be mentioned.


To pull a forum is one thing but to not give a proper explanation why, is another. It effected a lot of people and I for one would like to know why, if only to stop it happening again. To say "it was an overhead" or something is not really sufficient. It really is all a bit sinister.


Especially when it is rumoured that the people behind closing it are not even from the Isle of Man but feel it fit to close down something that we all enjoyed so much.

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Yea i thought the whole thing a bit FBI??? I can understand a company who provided it maybe wanting to stop it if things were gettin out of hand, cause at the end of the day we dont neccessarily live in a society of free speech and the company dosent want bad press etc, but whats all this about "someone overheard stuff on there" and who DID close it down, it was all really confusing!


well i am so happy that this is running as i really miss the funny people, the debates, the outrages, sometimes down right annoying and stupid and most of all the connection to Manx!


I hope that this continues as I was actually runnin out of ways to skive at work!

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First of all, welcome Tea&Biscuits.


Welcome back. 


Wonder where the rest are?


Such as Vinnie K, Padme, Nelly, Cream Horn, and loads of others?



Who else are we missing?


Not sure on Vinnie K, I know Padme is well but just not posting here (afaik, unless she's been sneaky and got a new addy). Nelly still reads and posts from time to time. Not sure about Cream Horn either.


Others that are missing?


Sunny Days, Moon, DRAM, steven, Phildo, MidgetFista, Casino Crazy, strings, chocca, radar, angel and not forgetting nessa and michael irving too ;)


There's others that seem to have registered but not posted (or posted much/not recently).


On the whole though, the community has stuck together pretty well over the various forums.

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First of all, welcome Tea&Biscuits.


Welcome back.  


Wonder where the rest are?


Such as Vinnie K, Padme, Nelly, Cream Horn, and loads of others?



Who else are we missing?


Not sure on Vinnie K, I know Padme is well but just not posting here (afaik, unless she's been sneaky and got a new addy). Nelly still reads and posts from time to time. Not sure about Cream Horn either.


Others that are missing?


Sunny Days, Moon, DRAM, steven, Phildo, MidgetFista, Casino Crazy, strings, chocca, radar, angel and not forgetting nessa and michael irving too ;)


There's others that seem to have registered but not posted (or posted much/not recently).


On the whole though, the community has stuck together pretty well over the various forums.


ahh nostalgia! moon has recently made a come back

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