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Ira's Err... Kind Offer

Speckled Frost

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Tell the truth time!


How many here remember when the mention of the IRA put the fear of god into everyone?


Being ancient and past it, I remember that every other day there was a news item about someone being decappitated or killed or blown up.


Nowdays it seems that the IRA doesn't even get a look in on the news, so when they offer to execute someone it makes the headlines.


Back in the days, it was different.


I went to Northern Ireland on hols (1977 - 78)


Was taken to a club in Dungannon, saw the bullet holes in the walls but thought, well hey, that's their problem.


After a few beers, I had a drink knocked out of my hand, I reminstrated with the bloke, he called me an English Cu*t


Well with my best Manx accent I told him I had only been to England a couple of times (this was true at that time)


He said that I didn't sound Scottish, Welsh or Irish so I had to be English.


Gathering my wits I told him that I came from the IOM.


He suddenly stopped talking to me, looked around the club and and shook his head a few times, this I did not understand.


Very soon after that many people came up to me and asked if I would like a drink, (of course I accepted) they told me that their families had been on hols, honeymoon or had met Manx people.


That was the luckiest day of my life. The folks who took me said that I was under scrutiny and would have been done away with without thought if I was English.


Anyway I'm still here.


There was a guy(Fin) lived in PE (good drinking partner of mine) a more placid guy you couldn't wish to meet. Cross him, or anyone who knew him, there would be trouble.


He offered to have someone 'taken away' for me after a bit of an arguement in the Station, I persuaded him that the guy wasn't worth it.


Ah happy days.

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Great post Zephyr!


The IRA's offer sounded like something from Rory Bremner -


"The IRA supports the rule of law and deplores the use of violence, and to prove it we've offered to shoot these murderers"


And to make it worse they announced they'd made the offer! What kind of reaction were they expecting to that!


Would I have taken up the offer in similar circumstances? I hope not, but I think it is possible that I would.

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