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Mea Megathread


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As this is proving to be such a popular issue and to save clogging up the local news forum with multiple MEA related topics, we've taken the decision to create a Megathread.


As there are so many topics already on this, we've decided not to merge them as it's too complicated and will confuse things.


Please do not start any more MEA related threads, just post up your thoughts / information in this thread. Any new MEA related threads from this point in time will simply be merged into this one.

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I don't really like these mega threads although I do see the reasoning behind them.


A thread of course has many facets and each inevitably drifts off and we could end up chatting about how to make tea-cakes even though we started talking about corruption or something. Nothing wrong with that, that's conversation.


Even if there were 50 different MEA or FCMR threads I would prefer to visit each individually. Or not visit at all. My choice.


I like to visit a thread I had no initial interest in to see how the argument has developed and who is 'fighting' who. Even a serious matter thread can turn into a good laugh. I may even pick up a good recipe for tea cakes into the bargain.

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Taking that higher energy bills are a certainty now, I thought it would be a good idea to post some links about energy saving.


In the end, if we have to pay more because of certain f*ck ups, we wanna make damn sure that we pay as little as possible....


Energy Saving Tips - a list from London Energy


Energy Efficiency Guide - from Citicens Advice Bureau


Energy Saving Trust - Info about everything there is to save


Friends of the Earth

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Though not yet there it must be that it could be soon cheaper to light a house with gas or candles than electricity the direction things look like going since the monumental incompetence at the DTI.


There’s a legacy for Downey to leave behind..


The man who put the Island on the road leading back to gas lighting.

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Well that takes the biscuit - just listened to Mike Proffitt on Manx Radio saying that he wouldn't go across the road to try and explain about what they (he and MEA Directors) were trying to bring to the Island if that person listened and believed some of the ridiculous things that were being said. He and the Board have been congratulated by the all and sundry round the world for all the assets they have brought to the Island and if you can't see that then he's not going to try and explain. Well I've just got one thing to say to Mr P - that's great Mike, but you DIDN'T HAVE THE MONEY AFFORD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I note Mr Proffitt now fires a broadside at parliament for having his salary revealed, perhaps this is the only correct thing they have done, when are these people collectively going to learn that public money is there to be used and not abused.


The whole shower couldn't run a bath !!!!!!!

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I also heard Mr. Proffitt, so far I havn't heard him explain to anyone just how he was going to pay back the laons, or was he going to put it on his credit card ?.


He may be an accountant, but he would need some oven to cook those books.


The projects have been completed maybe, but they certainly havn't been paid for, just like HP, until it's all paid it doesn't belong to you.


I don't think he should have any further involvement with any of the MEA subsidiary companies of which he was reported to have been still on the payroll. I suppose they are still employing 'experts' in broadband etc which now looks like a dead duck.


The last bit of the recorded snippet reminded me of :


"I used to be conceited but now I know I'm perfect" :lol:

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It could be that with there intentions they could have afforded the loans but if part of their proposed buisness income was removed through no fault of their own wouldnt that be a different story???????


The magic beans didn't sprout?

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It could be that with there intentions they could have afforded the loans but if part of their proposed buisness income was removed through no fault of their own wouldnt that be a different story???????


You mean lighting the cable?

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Just guesswork because I just cannot believe anybody would take out a loan of that magnitude without having a revenue source to at least meet the intrest payments.


If I could be permitted a guess as well .. I think you are probably correct. It is quite easy to obtain information on all of the former Board members and it does seem to me that all of them have impeccable business records. Surely it would be unrealistic to believe every one of them suddenly and simultaneously became business incompetents.

I have started to read the PKF report but, so far, I am not convinced it will provide any answers to the questions people are asking. It does look as if Mr Karran, for all his faults, has the right idea ... a public inquiry. Even then, would we discover the answers ?

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Sadly, I do not think there is anything we can do about saving money on our electricity bills. There is a certain amount of money that will have to be raised to service these debts and if we drop our consumption all that will happen is the unit price will go up. The cost of electricity will not be determined by normal economic forces, but simply by the cost of the debts. Even if the electricity was free to generate, the cost of meeting these debts can only be found in the price the consumer pays.


Glad to be back, but what a price we are paying for the prettiest electricity station in the world!

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