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Braddan's Demise


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Oh dear, Braddan Commissioners are in for it now. That English Bulldog Rimmer is gonna get you....!!!


Latest gov't press release..



Would this witch hunt have anything to do with Rimmer not getting any support for a more centralised govt. so now he is after discrediting and showing how inept things are being run.. He needs to look closer to home, and i don't mean stockport uk....


Hmmm. I know I'm being biased, can't stand the little English man, he doesn't even understand how politics work over here.. lol.. Free votes for all..


Roll on tomorrow, maybe we'll know more then.

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Hmmm. I know I'm being biased, can't stand the little English man, he doesn't even understand how politics work over here.. lol.. Free votes for all..


He seems to have understood the political system well enough to become a Minister.

I believe he shares that distinction (being a Minister) with a convicted arsonist.

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Hmmm. I know I'm being biased, can't stand the little English man, he doesn't even understand how politics work over here.. lol.. Free votes for all..


He seems to have understood the political system well enough to become a Minister.

I believe he shares that distinction (being a Minister) with a convicted arsonist.


A convicted arsonist? Isn't there some rule debarring you from standing for election if you have criminal record or am I thinking of jury service?


My mother is in Braddan parish and she has never indicated she'd had any problem with the running of the parish, in fact, I always thought it was one of the better run. What's niggled JR?

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We all know Rimmer is a fool..


Don't take my word for this guy being a Baboon... The following articles prove it



14 July 2005 09:36:25


18 July 2005 20:31:34


19 July 2005 19:50:10



Bring back our last ard-shirveishagh, Jul's would sort him out.... :P





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And before anyone chirps up with that famous epigram ' Why don't you put yourself up for election' Then let me answer with 'Never would I associate myself with such an avaricious lot of money worshiping gits.. Need I say more.. :P Oh yeah, and like those pussies at MecVannin say, I'd never swear allegiance to the English monachy.


To be honest though, my real reason for wanting nothing to do with Manks politics; is because it is way beyond my scope of intelligence. I mean, can someone tell me what is going on here. Manx Radio say JR has multiple issues that he wants investigating, one being the rates issued for 05-06


Its obvious the cognative factor being used to gain public support is the parishioners value for money. How stupid does this guy think we are? Hopefully not as stupid as myself, because I was under the impression DoLGE agrees the rate prices; so how can there be a problem with the rates. JR capped the price and that should be the end of that, that is why DoLGE have the last say..

The following link is a document outlining how Rates are calculated, what happens if you don't pay etc..

Introduction on page 3, para 1.2 states clearly DoLGE authorises Rates..



Have a look here for some info, maybe a trained eye can see what is wrong with the estimate Braddan propose in the following link.



Admittedly it is bit of a hike, but I've always thought of Braddan Commissioners as a well run ship.. but look for yourselves at why its gone up. http://www.braddan.gov.im/Default.asp?News...89&NewsCatID=10



But on a positive note.. it won't cost as much as 300k to investigate Braddan Commissioners, it'll ONLY cost several tens of thousands...


Maybe this ( http://www.manxradio.com/ReadItem.aspx?stI...94&stCT=General ) and with ref to pensions this might have something to do with it ( http://www.manxradio.com/ReadItem.aspx?stI...30&stCT=General ) I thought paying silly amounts of money to people was the norm over here..


Or maybe, Just maybe - Martyn Quayle and JR don't get along... Hmmm The plot thickens..



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Below is the story taken from the Ellan Vannin Jiu Archive..



A MAN convicted of setting fire to a house in the 1980s has been explaining why he has decided to stand for Rushen in next month's House of Keys by-election.

Phil Gawne, 38, of Cregneash, will contest the seat when Rushen goes to the polls on May 15.


The Rushen Commissioner believes it's important constituents know about his involvement in a nationalist campaign which led to him being jailed for 16 months for arson in 1988 and serving eight months.


Mr Gawne said: 'I understand that, to some people, the fact I went to prison 15 years ago for arson will be of concern in deciding my suitability as a candidate.


'However, I hope that in explaining my position, people will at least have enough information to make an informed judgement.'


The Rushen Commissioner explained the campaign 'arose from a feeling politicians were more influenced by business interests than the interests of their own people'.


He said: 'The most significant issue appeared to be the lack of affordable housing and concern about the undue influence of the finance sector.


'The industry also appeared to have undue influence on government policy and decision making.


'Finding affordable housing was a great problem and the apparent failure of the political system to address these issues regrettably led to my course of action.


'The campaign ended with an arson attack on an uncompleted luxury home in Tromode that led to the imprisonment of me for eight months, along with two others.'


Since then, has been a major influence in promoting the Manx language. He is Manx language development officer for the Manx Heritage Foundation.


'It's essential we engage with young people and ensure the political system addresses their needs. They must feel positively engaged in the political process,' he said.


'People need to see that politics can work if voter apathy is to be overcome.


'I firmly believe a diverse and well-regulated finance sector is essential for the economic success of our Island. I believe that the financial sector now works in partnership with government and is well regulated.


'When necessary, government must be ready to act quickly to facilitate the development of new markets. '


Mr Gawne continued: 'Great steps forward have been made in trying to address some of the issues in affordable housing and these and other aspects of housing policies will be covered in my manifesto.


'All my adult life I have been driven by a desire to shape the future of the Isle of Man so attempting to enter national politics is a natural progression for me.'


Read the full interview in today's Isle of Man Examiner.

24 March 2003

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I dont know what that says about the quality of Island Politics but it is possible we have reason to be concerned.

I have also heard, from my husband, that local members of a professional institution are furious that another government minister has gained membership (not honoury) of the institution by decidedly unconventional means. It would seem that a formal protest has been lodged with the institution and we may have to brace ourselves for yet another attack on the credibilty of the Manx Government.... or at least its Ministers.

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Cough, has the "most significant issue" (the two of it) been addressed? Has the Govt got an exit strategy for when the financial sector slow down, which is inevitable, hits and has it decided to take the control of the "affordable" housing from the developers who seem also to be keen on buy to let, thus keeping control of the housing stock?

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