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Anyone Heard Of Dan Hill?


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Those of you who remember Dan will be pleased to hear that he is back over this week-end playing Trance for Full-on! and House for 'House Rules'


I can remember Dan from the days of the 'outdoor events' a few years back when he played with James Gale [AKA Gid]. However, Dan is still out there playing regularly in the UK and occasionaly comes back to play for Full-on!


If you fancy a good night out this Friday or Saturday, get yourselves down to Full-on! [this Friday] or House Rules [this Saturday] to check him out - or just renew old acquaintances...




Dan's Web Site

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Im just downloading one of his mixes off that website now, i have heard of him before and i was going to come and see him at breeze once but it didnt happen, i will let you know what i think of this mix and you never know i mite pop down on Friday for a boogie

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go for it. Can't wait as Dan is playing a funky set too on Saturday night @ House Rules... Party on!



Yippee !!! I love funky,Ive not seen Dan do a funky set but I know it will be a really good night,us Moo Hoos will be there !!! :P

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Mooove over you old Cow and don't give us an Bull coz I'll be ridin' my ole Nag YEEEHAAAA!


Come on down for a rite ole shindig pardners coz tiz gona be a WILD one!








I'll be on me bike then






Moooooin all the way to full on !!! :lol:

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