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What Does Everyone Think About The Situation With George Best?


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I think George Best was one of the best footballers in the world. It's very sad to hear he's on deaths door, but does anyone out there think he was a prick to be given the chance of life again and get another persons liver to then decide to start drinking again. He started drinking again against the doctors orders. I think he was given the liver in the first place if he promised not to touch a drink again. Am I just a heartless git? Was it his money/celebrity status that got him to the top of the donation list? :huh:

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I agree the liver could have went to someone more appreciative, OK he was a ex-great footballer etc but TBH I am sick of hearing about him every fecking week.



George suffered from an illness and has now lost his life to it, lets hope that the loss of George may force the Government to spend more on the treatment/cure of this social illness.


RIP ,you wer the best

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Glad his and our suffering is over! No more rubbish about some old footballer alcoholic, or other in the papers anymore - good! I'm sure he was a good footballer but, who cares? he hasn't played football for years, and was no better than Ted the Tramp, no one made all this fuss when he died, so why should there be all this fuss about George Best? In fact Ted the Tramp was better than him!

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Glad his and our suffering is over! No more rubbish about some old footballer alcoholic, or other in the papers anymore - good! I'm sure he was a good footballer but, who cares? he hasn't played football for years, and was no better than Ted the Tramp, no one made all this fuss when he died, so why should there be all this fuss about George Best? In fact Ted the Tramp was better than him!


Very harsh words there!!!



Didn't have much time for him but, RIP - out of respect.

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How the fuck is your suffering over TheBees?? He has suffered, his family and friends have suffered, but you?If you don't want to hear about it turn the channel over, you haven't suffered one bit. There are millions of football fans (not just United) all over the world that want to be kept uptodate about one of footballs greatest ever sons final days.

Just because he doesn’t play anymore doesn’t mean that everybody has forgotten what a genius he was.

No alcoholic drinks from choice, it’s a disease. One that can creep up on you and take over your life without you even noticing. Fair enough he was given another chance with his transplant and he did start drinking after he had it but no-one knows the state of anybody’s mind or the reasoning behind their actions but he most of felt pretty desperate, it seemed to me at the time like a depressives botched attempt at suicide – a cry for help if you like.

It was the drugs he takes for his transplant that weakened his immune system that caused his fatal illness not the fact he has drunk since the transplant.

I know his family or his friends won’t be reading this forum but you could at least show some respect for someone that isn’t even cold yet.

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He was a tramp called Ted, used to live on the Colonade, became a bit of a celebrity.


Mr S - What do you expect people like nothing more than being moralistic and holier-than-thou about others. It's disgusting but that's the nature of some people.

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