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Green Pigs...


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Taiwan breeds green-glowing pigs


Scientists in Taiwan say they have bred three pigs that glow in the dark.


They claim that while other researchers have bred partly fluorescent pigs, theirs are the only pigs in the world which are green through and through.


The pigs are transgenic, created by adding genetic material from jellyfish into a normal pig embryo.


The researchers hope the pigs will boost the island's stem cell research, as well as helping with the study of human disease.





Blues kick red sauce into touch


Tomato ketchup has been kicked into touch for fans at Manchester City's derby with their red rivals - in favour of a specially-prepared blue sauce.


The club's head chef John Benson-Smith has prepared the speciality for the 3,500 corporate guests.


Mr Benson-Smith said the recipe was a closely guarded secret. "It's all natural, but its got quite a kick to it," he said.


He added: "At the end of the day, to use a well worn football expression, our blue sauce is just a bit of fun.


"But our guests take their football as seriously as we take our food preparation and presentation and I am sure that the blue sauce will come out on top."




So once you've located your steak in the dark, just add some chips with blue sauce and enjoy !


(Just make sure them scientists don't catch you - I've heard they're ManU fans... :) )

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