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About cheesemonster2005

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  1. Not clear whether he has been purged. The "official" position was that he had health issues. The fact that they removed him publicly is odd and suggests that it might just be true. If they'd wanted to purge him, they would have done so behind the scenes. Purging may also be done to make a point to anyone else who could be considered a threat but this video was only seen internationally (local broadcasts hadn't started at that point) and this footage is taken from the Taiwanese feed (unsurprisingly they feel the need to cover these things).
  2. I like it when there are topics that have never been discussed before
  3. You got me very dissapointed. I though it said Pornography Links. Damn
  4. You may be right. I recall constantly getting grade 'E's and 'U's most of the time. Worst decision ever.
  5. Considering there were only about 5 people in the 'A' Level Math class that's not brilliant. Well, I aint called Chris or Voirrey...
  6. Yeah, I had Bradbury in the sixth form(97-99) for Math. He was a sound guy and had a suprising amount of tolerance for me despite me annoying him and rarely doing any work other than talking to other lazy sixth-formers like yourself. Paul.
  7. I heard about it when I entered Ball 6th - didn't people end up in hospital? Was it one of Masterton's radical ideas?
  8. Shepstone (if I remember correctly) was OK. He also worked at Balla Kebabs on Bucks Road which was amuzing when you were a wee bit stoned and needed a kebab late at night. Vaukins - I always tried my hardest to xxxx him off - he hated me and I loved annoying him. He twice threatened to throw me out of the sixth form and when Ofsted came to inspect he politely suggested that I skive school so I'm not around to moan and complain to the inspectors.
  9. You were from the axact same period as me but I didn't join Balla till the sixth form and had to suffer the wrath of being in Mrs Ulyats form (or something like that). Every lunchtime registration was a nightmare because she could instantly recognise that I was stoned.
  10. Anyone else have a Math teacher at St. Ninian's called Mr Shimmin. He was quite strict but good natured. However, if you ever chewed gum in class he'd make you hold it in your hand for the rest of the lesson. I think he's a politician now (or was).
  11. Is that the same Brian King who is (or was) Principal of Park Road School?
  12. That new Sixth Form block at Ninian's is just hilarious. What the hell happened there? The tennis courts look good though.
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