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Dave Hedgehog

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Everything posted by Dave Hedgehog

  1. Hmmmm. Either could work Get the cheque book out Alf
  2. I'd love to see where he is proposing to put a reservoir big enough to have a viable pumped hydro setup.
  3. Well now we know why the new crossing in Ballabeg has been left for five weeks. Auldyn haven't actually got the people to finish it https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/staffing-issues-blamed-for-delay-in-finishing-new-crossings/ Great tendering DoI. Just wonderful
  4. It was funny yesterday watching one man in his roadsweeper by the Termy on Douglas prom sweeping up seaweed as waves crashed over
  5. I bet some future projects include air conditioning replacement in June and a new heating system in January
  6. Same as Ballabeg. Must be part of the new DoI policy of putting pedestrian crossings just after a corner.
  7. They seem to have just upped tools and left the crossing at Ballabeg with the work half done. Getting of for four weeks since anything was done. Makes you wonder what balls up they are trying to resolve before finishing it
  8. Crookall asking Thomas if he considers the prom to be complete. Mwahahaha
  9. Finally with the IoM met office changing it's forecast to sleet and rain the snow has started to fall. Great stuff.
  10. And there we have it. The local met office forecast has now changed to what the BBC had all along https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/weather-forecast-shifts-to-rain-and-sleet/
  11. Was Armageddon actually forecast though? All of the forecasts I have seen only predict snow on high ground with rain/sleet at lower levels until the evening
  12. Will the thread title get changed to the occasional light sleet of 2023 soon?
  13. It's just gonna piss down all day isn't it.....
  14. There is talk of a bit of civil disobedience over Easter with a mass overnight stay at Sulby. I will be well up for that.
  15. They fenced off a big chunk of the land last summer and didn't allow camping on it as it was contaminated. I reckon the septic tank has burst and knackered the foundations.
  16. And now Sulby Claddagjs closed as well because they couldn't be arsed maintaining/repairing the facilities despite charging an annual fee to use them.
  17. I dare say they will bung developments in the likes of Lord Street a few quid as well.
  18. Can't wait to see what they spunk 100 million quid on in the hope people will come to live here....
  19. Tell her that if she is Maddie then she has to support Everton for the rest of her life. That would quickly stop any attention seeking.
  20. If the DoI were involved it wouldn't have had sea trials and would currently be adrift somewhere in the Pacific.
  21. Just read an update on the beeb In addition to the premium the insurers were looking at a 100k excess for damage to property and 300k for injury/death
  22. Can't have been busy. I haven't seen it mentioned in a drink related punch up news report for ages.
  23. Given the bottom of the pool is still visible and above ground I don't think it was
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