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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. As I said.... "Chums" in the right places!
  2. I suspect having "chums" in the right quarters of IOMG helps.
  3. Minutes... according to Sir Humphrey:
  4. I thought Magson had already departed.
  5. Why the feck didn't they just shred it and claim GDPR. It worked before!
  6. Sadly it probably will be.
  7. Will Flybe 2 ever get off the ground?: https://ukaviation.news/pilots-union-criticises-flybe-2-0-over-confidentiality-rules/
  8. We need more of these DJ types:
  9. You were on the wrong side of the curtain. 😂
  10. When someone asks "what have the Romans ever done for us?".... I'll point them to your missive above.
  11. So why are the police there at all? Who are you preserving the evidence for? Does that happen at short courses?
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_in_Abrahamic_religions So they would both feel at home, so to speak.
  13. But what about the Manx 'skeet' element? It's the Manx way.
  14. Of course, if the Bobbies hadn't been removed from sector stations then a car wouldn't need to hurtle round the course in order to preserve the evidence. Unintended consequences I think are the words to use.
  15. You're not alone, Sid. Even She Who Speaks, a died in the wool Manxie, only listens to the news in the morning then switches off for the rest of day except Saturdays when it stays on for Chris Williams' Carnaby Street program, after that it goes off. It's quite sad really. The directors need their fees stopping until the trend is reversed. But we all know that won't happen. I do wonder what the Brindley Boy has over the Directors and others that fund his salary. Even for a community based radio to be treating it's almost captive audience with disdain is quite shocking.
  16. Probably more importantly the good Doctor wants her day in court?
  17. Agreed Declan. There is no reason on earth why Tynwald has to sit once a month. Given the amount of legislation that the CM wants to get through this admin's term then I think they are going to struggle to get it all done. Doing away with five minutes (at most) at the beginning of the sitting is just bonkers. And as others have said, they're going to need all the help they can get!
  18. And passing a portion of it over to their "chums". When is that guy going to start the development that he signed up for?? He hasn't lifted one digit yet.
  19. Recycling and EFW plants are incompatible, especially with our small population. Neither option is suitable for Mann, it has to be one or the other. I wish they'd stop fecking around and just put it all through the EFW plant and be done with it.
  20. Isn't the ambulift asset DOI owned and Menzies provide only the manpower?
  21. I've just listened to a few moments of the debate in Tynwald. I sincerely hope that the extra time that Tim Glover and others want to digest the Plan that they're also prepared to put the hours of attendance required when it comes to debating and enabling the actual legislation and other orders etc.
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