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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Does that calculation include the 'free' PR? I don't think it does.... you'd better think of another number and add it to the 3.7 billion. 🤣
  2. What kind of feckin' gobbledegook is that?? Even allowing for possible spelling mistakes, the CS's have really excelled themselves.
  3. Watch out for car park charges to come in very soon at the hospital.
  4. +1. This. It's been like that since I moved on the Island over 40 years ago. In the early 1990's I recall getting stopped by airport "security" on my way home from a long business trip that included USA, Russia, France and about 10 days in UK before flying home.* I was asked by security how my trips had gone in USA & Russia?. it was OK I said but asked how did you know I'd been to those countries? We know your every move sir, was the reply. *Of course in those days there were no such things as through-tickets to places like USA or even France. Each sector/leg had to be booked separately. The only way anyone knew your travel arrangements would have been through the various booking systems that linked to a central database that collected such information (maybe IATA or CAA?).
  5. They already have access to that info anyway.
  6. It will be interesting to see how the new entity is constituted and who's pulling the strings legally. I'd imagine that if there's any management control by DfE then it would require Tynwald approval in some way.
  7. Something tells me the proposed IOMTT Marshals change of entity might be to do with corporate insurance risk as a result of the Mercer incident.
  8. Corruption, which an MHK who frequents this forum says is difficult to prove. The above is probably the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps not criminal but most certainly institutional. A root and branch audit on HR records and due diligence wouldn't go amiss.
  9. Tyres are brilliant at maintaining a constant level of heat. Shredded tyre is used quite widely in cement factory kilns around the world. Although they do emit a lot of toxic stuff, some of which evades scrubbers and so is not eco-friendly at all.
  10. Knob. Hasn't he got anything else better to do with his time? (mind, you could say the same thing being on here! 🤣)
  11. Andy Onchan

    HQ FoI !

    Yes but: For me that's encouraging. Let's hope that includes some push back on some of the more outlandish & OTT capital projects.
  12. Andy Onchan

    HQ FoI !

    Those who really, really had their backs to the wall would probably look to a lender for a loan based on the equity of the land. I know of a couple who ended up having to do that because they did not qualify for any of the handouts. All of which has to be paid back, one way or another.
  13. That's you isn't it, Catamite? You really should make an appointment and go see your psychiatrist again.
  14. Yes watched that as well. Even Mervyn King was scathing of the banks. If you ever wondered where all that QE went, then it's worth watching on iPlayer to find out. Even medium sized businesses saw very little of it. Staggering really.
  15. We really don't need another thread on CV, do we? It's been done to death already.
  16. If you don't go looking for it, you won't find it.
  17. Andy Onchan

    HQ FoI !

    Was he open for business (ie. taking rent money from the tenant) as well as claiming from DfE??
  18. So are you suggesting that there's a cost effective way of bringing some of these Edwardian and Victorian properties up to modern day standards and expectations?
  19. But chances are their staff won't be on minimum or living wage either.
  20. Firstly, the above is yet another example of CS type gobbledegook. Secondly, why can't they change the articles to suit their requirements, that's easily done. Not sure what they refer to when they say "existing structure". If that's an internal issue then that can be changed too? Or is it a case that the race organisers (ACU) have no say in how the association is currently organised and managed? If that's the case then they are pinning a lot of hope on the current army of volunteers transferring their allegiance. Rob Callister - I'm sure a lot of people would be interested to know why the corporate entity needs to change.
  21. Does the time limit start the moment the car is plugged in? If so, then that's reasonable. Except of course when the space is not occupied no one else is allowed to park there. I sincerely hope there is capacity to increase the number of EV charging points from the next 8 years onwards. What plans are in place with DBC to meet the expected demand?
  22. So how long after the vehicle has been charged are you allowed to park there?
  23. I haven't looked, but aren't Costa franchises awarded based on postal codes? In which case said gentleman wouldn't get a look-in.
  24. There's certainly a healthy number of them at Governors Bridge.
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