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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. There's certainly a healthy number of them at Governors Bridge.
  2. I remember when he was MP for Harborough..... never really lived up to his predecessor John Farr.
  3. Outside of sailing times there should be plenty of parking. The GMT is paying a lot of money for this asset and it needs to sweat to pay it's way. Anything that generates revenue and/or stimulates positive PR for IOM can only be a good thing.
  4. I wonder if IOMG thought to provide an area/office where business meetings can take place, the Liverpool equivalent to the London office idea of a few years ago?
  5. When, I wonder, will we get to see the layout and interior design of this edifice? All I've seen so far are a couple of photos of the site with proposed terminal from the air. What about all the design features? Or aren't there any? When does the GMT get to see what it's supposed to look like? Why is everything about this project clouded in feckin' secrecy?
  6. I hope this little issue is covered in the additional funding that's just been approved.
  7. Gaslights, courtesy of Crogga.
  8. Take more water with whatever you're drinking! I posted it as a point of discussion. Nothing more.
  9. https://the-race.com/motorcycle-racing/what-isle-of-man-tts-live-tv-coverage-debut-will-look-like/#disqus_thread
  10. Andy Onchan


    No, only fine dining for said gentleman!
  11. What an absolute load of gobbledegook of a reply. How the hell was anyone supposed to understand that?
  12. Andy Onchan


    There are a lot of very uninformed people protesting over this. Some think IOMG and the taxpayer is funding this. Nothing could be further from the truth. It won't cost the taxpayer anything until if/when/what reserves are there.
  13. It was buried relatively quickly I think after one enterprising MHK (can't remember who) asked a question about a certain aspect of it that shed light on the fact that a lot of the goals/aims were unachievable and in some cases undesirable.
  14. Aye the "Vision 2020" stuff soon went South after approval (3 years I think).
  15. FFS don't start giving them ideas!
  16. Surely you can find a corporate sponsor for that. Or is it that expensive that even sponsors can't afford it?
  17. Are "General Improvement" the actual words they use in negotiations these day? I thought that sort of crap went out of the window donkey's years ago. But hey, it doesn't matter coz it's not technically tax payers money anyway is it (to quote Eddie)?
  18. WTF does that actually mean?
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