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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. There was no way VISA would let the Amazon account go to the wall. The fees they earn from them must be a substantial part of their revenue. Imagine what all the other large online fulfillment firms would do if VISA just walked away from Amazon. They'd all pile in and inflict even more pain.
  2. I was a bit confused as to the date due to the lady's dress which I thought was 1930's but the lamp to her right looks as though it was an early gas contraption, which got me to thinking it was pre-1914.
  3. You learn something everyday. When was that?
  4. Lots there with broad grins across their collective fizogs. Guess who they're laughing at?
  5. what profit and for whom?
  6. I'll be very surprised if that target is met. That's only 13 years away! It'll take at least two administration's worth of time just to get the planning approvals in place, let alone the equipment/sources.
  7. And that's why we should look to end this ridiculous arrangement. It's simply not sustainable.
  8. Housing Associations mid market rentals are the answer.
  9. Correct, ethics are a rarity in business, which is exactly why they should fund their own business with their own money. I don't think many would really give a flying fig how they fund it, but fund it they should without State aid. I wouldn't be surprised if MUA give them some credit, IOMG is soft like that. COMIN, if they haven't already, should be preparing to step in to operate/supply/guarantee supplies to their share/stakeholders (the Great Manx Taxpayer). As has been pointed out by me and others on here.... what the feck have they done with all the profit they have made over the years?
  10. Then their LLP owners should put their hands in their own pockets to finance THEIR operation the same as many, many other companies in the private sector do (perhaps they could start by not remitting their monthly management fees to USA for a start, that would improve their cashflow).
  11. Since when have they needed an excuse to bump up the price of ale?
  12. Roll up - Fetching pinny's for sale!
  13. MG customers should make a claim for a rebate from IOMG if it is offering the subsidy. The support should go straight to the end user not MG or the funding will get swallowed up in their operating cashflow. The actual pricing mechanism of the gas agreed between IOMG & MG and charged to the customer shouldn't need to change. The present arrangement is masking and distorting the wholesale supply agreement.
  14. Don't believe any of the BS that comes from MG or Ms Cox. ETA: remember the "Green Gas" (or whatever it was) quote??? Utter bollox.
  15. Aye... I'm pissed off that IOMG is subsidising Manx Gas using taxpayers money, both as a non-gas user and also on the principle that no one really knows when this will end. Prices are unlikely to come down to the levels they were previously and so this sets a precedent for MG to hold out their hand again. Why can't it be done in the form of a claim per gas customer?
  16. Was he selling something?
  17. The buck stops with the DOI Minister on behalf of IOMG, irrespective of which entity's name is on the contract. The clue is in the name, "Infrastructure". Unless you're saying no one is responsible? In any case it's too late for subtleties/niceties. If I didn't know any better I'd say your'e a former DOI Minister or Chief Exec of DOI 🤣
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