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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Ah, but will they be a 'strategic' Change and Engagement Manager? Note to prospective applicants: don't forget to pepper your CV with the word 'strategic', otherwise you won't get a look-in.
  2. Meanwhile our deputy airport director is off filming his new series.
  3. Jobs for Mates, or mates of mates. Nothing more.
  4. Yes there has, for the contractors and others on the other side of the Irish Sea. They've managed to swell the top line of their accounts rather successfully, don't you think?
  5. Don't be daft! Having said that, why haven't IOMG or their project manager set up a website (similar to MyProm) to inform people about the project and the progress (or lack of) of it??? A lot of questions being asked on here probably wouldn't arise if all the parties concerned were more transparent. Is that too much to ask??
  6. I was referring to bicycle racing... it's amazing how some can deliberately misconstrue a few simple words 🤣
  7. How about a TT (pedal) cycling fest? That should appeal to quite a few.
  8. There are many forms of corruption and that's something the CS and their MHK mates seem totally oblivious to. The executive and our elected have, by and large, an unhealthy and cozy relationship (at least to the outsider).
  9. The same as Harmer.... said all the right things, even laid a top coat of tarmac on the prom to quell the masses but soon went south very quickly after that.
  10. The words stable, door, horse and bolted come to mind.
  11. In other words it's corrupt.
  12. These kind of cost over-runs don't just happen overnight, at least one if not two Ministers have been asleep at the wheel whilst this has been unravelling under their watch. One former Minister is an engineering graduate so would expect him to have some idea of how engineering/construction contracts work.
  13. My question was, of course, rhetorical. 😉 This debacle of a project has been through the hands of three ministers, Gawne, Harmer and latterly Baker. All three of these gentlemen should have had reports put across their respective desks on progress (or otherwise), including potential cost over-runs (the extras) and issues that would have caused the scope to have been re-drafted/amended Either that didn't happen or, each in their turn, chose to ignore them. Are all three culpable? Or is one more culpable than the others?
  14. At what point do you differentiate between extra work and out of scope?
  15. So do you know that the old people have been given the elbow instead?
  16. So no detail and no indication as to whether more funding would be required? And, according to your previous comment, if DOI have employed "new people", what information can you share with us about the "old people"?
  17. They ignored my invitation to comment on it, way back when the overspend/unbudgeted-for amount was approved. It's not as if there's nothing to discuss, is there (other than we're already committed)! What I find quite interesting is that IOMG throw money and legislative time enacting bills etc at anti-money laundering and corruption aimed at the private sector but somehow when when large sums of public money are at risk it's side-stepped. If this had happened in the private sector and there was an aggrieved party plod would have been all over this with their size 11's. The best we've been offered is a PAC report in 2023.
  18. What I haven't seen yet, from any MHK that frequents this forum, is an admission that they have been party to any detailed financial information surrounding the overruns on costs. Which can only lead me to believe that they have been told to STFU and nod it through as the real story behind this is way beyond anything that could be called a "national embarrassment" (from the start to where we are now). The word "strategic" is liberally peppered in IOMG documentation for projects such as this but it's clear that whatever strategy was applied has gone badly awry from day one.
  19. Sorry... Couldn't resist it: https://youtu.be/tcliR8kAbzc
  20. Wasn't it Duke Marketing that put up the accommodation units on the old prison site on Victoria Rd in Douglas for TT 2019?
  21. I can say the same and because we're being asked to test regularly I think there's a lot of more asymptomatic than symptomatic.
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