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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. As it's the same Department why wouldn't they have standby vehicles, drivers and call out arrangements? They have both the equipment (significant assets stock) and manpower. What happens when a bus breaks down, for example? Or don't they plan for that eventuality?
  2. A few weeks back I had to enter/exit the hospital twice within 10 mins max of each occasion. I put a new mask on when I entered first time. The door fella saw me walk out of the main entrance with someone in a wheelchair. Within minutes I had to go back inside to collect someone else but he still insisted I discard the one I was wearing 10 mins before and put a new one on.
  3. Booster jab on 16th Dec.... on my NHS app Christmas Eve.
  4. Said Macron as he drew himself up to his maximum height of 5ft 9in (including the Cuban heels). He's fast overtaking Boris as one of Europe's fictional comic characters.
  5. Much of the day-to-day ward and patient maintenance/care at Nobles wouldn't exist if it wasn't for our Philippine friends.
  6. There are many sectors where it's cut-throat, the construction industry is no exception. There's also wriggle room to add a few more shekels if the opportunity arises. Happens in all industries.
  7. Or, indeed, what was in their minds concerning "an alternative solution"? Shysters!
  8. Is AECOM involved in the LPL development? Seems they have quite a good record at falsifying and inflating estimates etc https://www.constructiondive.com/news/justice-department-joins-whistleblower-lawsuit-against-aecom/579278/
  9. So, if II'm reading this right both branches in Tynwald have all been told not to rock the boat in order to avoid a national (and possibly UK) embarrassment.
  10. As someone else pointed out earlier in the thread it was also probably subject to political interference, along with a belief that we would be looked after the lessor!
  11. Not just the roads. The classic cases are those who were knowledgeable and experienced with flooding, water & harbour management, Laxey being the latest debacle. Same for the railways and Trams.
  12. So.... no MHK who frequents this forum is prepared to stand up for the electorate/tax payer to confirm if they received anything, anything at all in the way of detailed financial information from DOI before they voted through the funding??
  13. 'Vaccines' hadn't kicked in back then different story now.
  14. That probably says more about how the highway was designed as it does about the above. The crayonistas have forgotten that the prom is actually a main artery for the north/south traffic.
  15. And you only need one car to double park on the landward side and the whole scheme is screwed up.
  16. So, MHKs voted through a shed load of money without knowing what they were paying for on our behalf? If they haven't been presented with any detailed information but voted this through then none of them deserve to be in Tynwald.
  17. You mean night time or through the night sailings?
  18. If the minister is looking for "impartial" advice then the position shouldn't be an IOMG post. If such a position were called for then it should be paid from the Tynwald budget. Or the Minister employs and pays for a researcher/adviser out of their own pocket.
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