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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. That's the one... it was like the Spanish Inquisition.
  2. Questions for the MHKs that frequent this forum: Did any of you receive an invitation to a presentation from DOI outlining the reasons for the additional funding (other than just headlines like COVID, BREXIT etc etc) ?? Were any detailed financial reports made known to you? As far as I am concerned we're well beyond the acceptable limits of contract confidentiality now. It's time we were party to the detail.
  3. I paid £44.50 1st Nov, one-way
  4. Don't you mean American Speling?
  5. Does Heysham have "assistive technology"?
  6. It does for March 2022, or at least it did yesterday when I went a-lookin'.
  7. The Spanish & French actually do hunt songbirds, millions of them, illegally. So it's not just not a load of old bull!
  8. So what happened to that £10 million that the GMTaxpayer gifted to MT to roll these additional fibre connections out??
  9. You would hope he would be paying attention to all of this going on around him. He's either Officer Commanding CS or he isn't. I'd be very interested to see a job description for his position.
  10. https://www.rte.ie/news/business/2021/1216/1267163-aer-lingus-emerald-airlines-operations/
  11. I reckon that's wishful thinking and that Para 3 is the bollocking/putting the record straight.
  12. I might be wrong but reading para 6 might leave the door open for an increase.
  13. He'll be mightily upset.... he's from Fife!
  14. You'll need cream for that. My Nanna had the same thing.
  15. Oh give up you daft queen and stop looking for for smiley emoticons all the time. For the most part I agree with your comments. But don't worry, those comments of yours that I don't agree with I'll be sure to let you know, as will others. Just give the fucking thing a rest and move on, you've made your point.
  16. So what happened to all the accumulated profit over the years they have been operating on Mann? Don't tell me.... all siphoned off as management fees to the LLP elsewhere.
  17. Except that he only had to say/write it once... not going on about it forever and a day. Just sayin'.
  18. That's very good point. On the face of it the 3.5 million for the lease was cheap. Too cheap. The old saying of "if it sounds iffy or too good to be true, then it probably is. As I said earlier, Peel Ports wouldn't have put up with this situation if they were doing it themselves. Instead they handed it over to muggins (IOMG GMT) to take the hit.
  19. I was commenting purely on the basis that it might smooth the process of getting in and out as expeditiously as possible. I do wonder sometimes whether if some medical admin teams would benefit from spending some time in a supply chain business, they would have a different outlook to processes and the effect those processes would have on others. As we all know joined up thinking in IOMG is probably not even considered an aspiration.
  20. But I wouldn't be the only one.
  21. An hour before I go for the appointment?
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