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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. My appointment on Tuesday last was @ 08:35. I was called in almost immediately after I arrived there but it backfired on them as they had to wait whilst I finished filling in the COVID questionnaire! Which begs the question... why isn't that form available online to complete? I could have completed that at home before leaving.
  2. I think you'll find it's just one person.
  3. Had to organise a blood clinic appointment (for annual medication review) and was asked when would I like to attend. Never been asked that before. Completely caught me off guard, to the extent that I had to ring back and get them to confirm it again as I thought I'd put it in on the wrong day on my calendar!
  4. "Motorway Maintenance".... in Wales, all 83 miles of it.
  5. One phone call is all it takes to piss someone off.
  6. I don't subscribe to the FT, haven't done for quite sometime but it popped up on a link from another media outlet and was able to read it all for free.
  7. https://www.ft.com/content/bbc9eae3-5a49-43e8-8c25-a755008189e0?gaa_at=la&gaa_n=AYc4ysvyra7H9evYxrHLGSnK0o7RHXj_Jz0ziOPoTh5ACcnTnVbl_NexgBk5CMHqE54%3D&gaa_ts=61b4a096&utm_source=newsshowcase&utm_medium=discover&utm_campaign=CCwqFwgwKg8IACoHCAow-4fWBzD4z0gw--IsMOLrMg&utm_content=bullets&gaa_sig=q_NGiLHCyZ4lB-pphcDQvQdV7dzDO26FkVURTrJ9lo3Wwb3g9wTUwLLOjoFaLE83pK0peT8HSvpEJLPh9fbP1A%3D%3D Not sure if anyone will be able to access/read this or not but it makes for interesting reading.
  8. That's interesting to know. To put that in context are you able to share how many GPs there are in your clinic and the total number of patients on your register?
  9. What's your view on actually expanding some services to become a centre of excellence whereby Nobles sells it services to other trusts and the private sector etc??
  10. My guess is that this variant has been doing the rounds in UK for quite some time which is why the number of cases have remained high. And of course the scientists love all the attention. Every bloody scientist with literally anything to say about CV (and now Omicron) is being harvested by the media.
  11. You can bet your bottom dollar that Peel Ports wouldn't put up with this kind of shit. Make them wait. Let them start proceedings and see how far it gets them.
  12. Except the money that Tynwald is being asked to approve is not part of the agreed schedules. It is in addition to. And I'm afraid until Tynwald is party to the contract terms and scopes of additional work then we should make them sweat and wait for their money.
  13. Actually it was a serious question.... who decides what gets pinned and why?
  14. If we are paying consultants then they would need to provide sufficient evidence that any out contract fees/costs/expenses etc are necessary, justified and proportionate and not just an excuse to bung a few extra quid on to their invoice to make their own numbers look good. There is something terribly, terribly wrong with this project. Particularly since Peel Port's Liverpool2 container terminal development costs are slated at £400 million: https://www.peelports.com/about-us/investment The way things are going our measly/minuscule little berth will be getting on for a quarter of that. How is that possible??
  15. I only mentioned those names because they're apt to chime in on here when it suits their own agenda. So I thought I'd give them the opportunity to show that they really are interested in representing the great unwashed tax paying Manx Public and not just when it suits them.
  16. What we need is an MHK to stand up for the taxpayer as they were mandated to. Any takers? Chris Thomas? Stu Peters? Julie Edge? Rob Callister? C'mon guys stand up and be counted. Start doing the work that we pay you for.
  17. There is absolutely no shortage of commercial lawyers in the UK specialising in PSA's that the AG's office can call on to help draft one.
  18. That was always something I was lead to believe when first stepping foot on Mann. Can't recall now who told me, may be read it somewhere.
  19. Believe it or not the multi-trillion global energy industry already has answers to your questions in the form of Production Sharing Agreements (PSA). It's not as if IOMG would be doing all of this for the first time, ever. It's all been done before. PSAs have been around for 50/60 years.
  20. I wouldn't have an issue paying more tax except that we all know it won't be targeted and go specifically to those who need it.
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