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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. It's more than just arrogance, it's corruption of the worst kind.
  2. Remind me again.... how much did we pay Peel Ports for the lease?
  3. Jiz??? 🤣🤣 I say steady on that man!
  4. FFS don't go giving them ideas like that!
  5. Actually I was thinking more in terms of motor-homes, of which IOM seems to have more than it's fair share!
  6. But it does beg the question as to whether he really does bone-up and reads more than one piece in the Grauniad, Torygraph, or even the advice given by PHE. Has he ever been on the much talked about media training course?
  7. Notwithstanding the flood issue and a quick glance at the design photo, there seems to be a distinct lack of space for parking cars (or whatever).
  8. I recognise that as I'm sure lots of others on here will too.... along with the bedroom window with ice on the inside during Jan/Feb months.
  9. What uniform was he wearing from his dressing up box when he made the comments?
  10. For which they have almost zero data for. Nothing meaningful anyway.
  11. To my mind the AG's office haven't covered themselves in glory with this either.
  12. Something tells me this project never even got as far as Procurement Dept. I'd hazard a guess and say it went straight from DOI/COMIN to AG's office.
  13. Only another £30 million to go to reach that magic DOI number!
  14. Don't necessarily disagree but to be told categorically (if that's what was reported as being said) that the vaccine IS effective is stretching it a bit. But like you I'm getting a bit worn out by the whole saga of untruths, half truths and downright lies. It's probably better not to say anything at all until it can be substantiated.
  15. This. As Capt Mainwaring would say... "well done that man... I wondered who'd be the first to spot that"!
  16. If either the Health Secretary or Health Minister said that with the absence of any substantiated data then it was foolish of them.
  17. My god, you've got a weird sense of humour. 😂
  18. Can you point us in the direction of where we can find the health minister saying "vaccine is effective against new variant"? II listened to Radio 4 this morning from about 06:30 onwards and may have missed it.
  19. It's time we had a question in the Keys about who exactly is running the airport and if this guy is still working for US. If he is, when will he be taking care of the shit hole that is the airport? пожалуйста!
  20. Agreed. He's a waste of space and therefore money.
  21. Andy Onchan

    Legco 2021

    Did the Squeaker have his clerical collar on? He usually has uniforms for such occasions!
  22. I pretty much expected the above responses as my reason for making my original comment was because I was told in no uncertain terms that the RMT have a voice in the decision making process, ie. withdrawal of labour because the sea is too rough. So who runs IOMSPCo, the Company or the RMT? Just askin'. 😉
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