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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Agreed. He's a waste of space and therefore money.
  2. Andy Onchan

    Legco 2021

    Did the Squeaker have his clerical collar on? He usually has uniforms for such occasions!
  3. I pretty much expected the above responses as my reason for making my original comment was because I was told in no uncertain terms that the RMT have a voice in the decision making process, ie. withdrawal of labour because the sea is too rough. So who runs IOMSPCo, the Company or the RMT? Just askin'. 😉
  4. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/heysham-sailings-tonight-in-doubt/ I know the Master has the last say on whether a vessel should go to sea or not but I do wonder if there are other non-technical/seafaring reasons or other parties involved that might influence the Master's call. I know the last few days' weather has been pretty horrendous but at one time the BMC would seemingly have no issues with going out in a force 7. Or is it me?
  5. It wouldn't surprise me if IOMPost bid for it and were the most expensive and so didn't get the business because of that.
  6. I'm in the 60+ group and haven't had mine yet (although it is next month).
  7. Don't worry, Boris is used to back-tracking... he's made it an art form!
  8. This is the Isle of Man..... Where You Can! 😀
  9. 100% it's on the Island. It stalks us, like a stalky thing. Follows us wherever we are. Ooooooooeeer! You can run but you can't hide 🤣 The best we can hope to do is slow the rate of progression for all variants just by doing sensible stuff, not just variant 15. When our kids were little (30 & 40 years ago) and always running around with snotty noses and coughing all over the place they never visited the grandparents. It was the sensible thing to do until we thought the lurgy had passed. The same with both of us whilst working... if we had the same colds/coughs then we stayed away from parents and work, for however long it took to get rid of it. Sometimes it was just a couple of days, other times it could be a week. It's just common sense.
  10. So some Omicron cases in Scotland are not travel related, ergo it's circulating in the community. It's probably been in in the community for a long time hence the still high levels of cases across the UK.
  11. There'll be many, many more cases popping up over the next few weeks. The SA GP in question operates a private clinic and so it's only her patients that are getting tested. There'll be many millions more who don't have access to private primary care walking around with this new variant.
  12. It's certainly of it's time and you'd hope that any revamping would be sensitively done. I know a lot of people don't particularly like it but it would be a shame if it was, as you say, dropped.
  13. Agreed but I guess at some stage the asbestos issue will have to be dealt with.
  14. We should keep the faith with the vaccines and the increase in natural immunity; no border closures or lockdowns. Masking up would probably be a sensible idea. Anything more than that at the moment will likely result in serious civil disobedience.
  15. This is as old as the hills. I remember Adrian Earnshaw banging on about it when he was Minister for Tourism all those years ago.
  16. Are we living longer. I think I read somewhere that is not necessarily the case.
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