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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I'm inclined to think it may be a process/admin error for a particular batch of invitations issued rather than either apathy or ambivalence/can't be arsed attitude. Most people I come into contact with are keen to make sure they get their booster.
  2. Did these people who failed to turn up actually get the invite letter??
  3. I do wonder which spectacles the Deputy Airport Manager was wearing at the time when he told RC the current & planned rotations were.
  4. I think RC is way off the mark about the air services.
  5. So what's the answer, without bankrupting the Island?
  6. Had a girlfriend once called Muriel. We met, fell out (as you do). Saw her a few years after and by god she'd put on some beef. Needless to say, not keen on massive Muriel's.
  7. So what exactly does the Deputy Airport Director do? He certainly isn't looking after the airport, is he?
  8. I'm pretty sure the detailed data is there. Most probably the Cyril responsible for answering the question wouldn't have bothered to look beyond the headline numbers because detail is not important in their eyes.
  9. Why do we have to pretend to be something we're not? Do we not have our own home grown art talent that can create it's own unique street or urban art? Why must we copy someone else?
  10. And those pesky Australian cricketers still insist on calling the English Poms!
  11. Just read the same. TBH I've never thought or regarded that phrase as coming from the slavery days.
  12. As Frank's photos show the amount of development (if that's the right word) work gone into those buildings over the years renders them almost unrecognisable from the Museum photos; aluminium window frames, garage doors, fascia etc. Add that to the fact that it's unsafe means that it really has had it's day. There are both artist works and photos of them so it's not as if it's being lost without any recognition of the fact that they existed. Not sure what more could be done but I do hope that whatever replaces it acknowledges the past in some way.
  13. Andy Onchan

    Legco 2021

    Analise - can't make up my mind if that's the name of a new female MHK or some form of Spanish Inquisition torture technique!
  14. It won't happen though.... everyone esle is staying off the road coz you're on it! 😀
  15. When an accident happens (which it will, if it hasn't already) and there's damage to a vehicle or worse an injury or death to someone then the police traffic report will make what assumption, exactly? Isn't it their job to determine who was at fault, or are you saying no one will be to blame, or they're all to blame? Who pays for the damage? Those who say they are avoiding the prom have made a risk assessment themselves on the probability that an unmarked junction creates more problems than it solves. I know two people, one of whom is certainly not elderly, has come to that decision.
  16. Absolutely. And the police are going to have a hard time convincing an insurance company otherwise. Knobs, the lot of 'em.
  17. It's a duck.... Whichever way you look at it.
  18. If it was unmarked there'd be no lines on the road and no pedestrian crossings. It's anything but unmarked. If it looks like a duck etc...then it must be a duck.
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