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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Andy Onchan


    She has every right to express her opinion, indisputable. I didn't say otherwise. I voted for her but I don't agree with her on passing up the opportunity of generating investment income to secure our carbon-free future for generations to come.
  2. Andy Onchan


    She'll be hearing from me. Firstly, she has no mandate and neither does Tynwald, really. Lifting gas out of Manx territorial waters is the key to our carbon-free future. We need the dosh to invest is sustainable, non-carbon energy technology. Those who think we can manage without carbon fuels at the moment are living in the proverbial cloud cuckoo-land. The world is nowhere near ready to make that leap.
  3. Yes, Harmer did much the same with the temporary top surface but look what happened after that.
  4. 🤣 Aye, the words going through my head when I posted it was "I bet I catch the fucking thing tomorrow!"
  5. Just got around to reading this. Here's what happened to me.... I'm pretty sure I got CV in early Feb 2020 whilst travelling abroad, had a raging headache and temperature but no cough and at the time I thought it was the flu. Lasted for about 3 days. Got back home and in early April 2020 (during lockdown) I had excruciating arthritic type pain in my hands, elbows and shoulders. Called the GP who suggested that it was a viral infection (that was a "no shit Sherlock" moment for me!). Over the next couple of weeks I had a series of blood tests done and at the request of the GP also had the voluntary CV antibody test.... which came back negative. The GP suggested that might not be unusual as not everyone who succumbs to a virus will create antibodies. Since then I've not had a sniffle, cough, cold or any arthritic pain. Have been out and about in UK/IOM for best part of the last 5 months (in some enclosed areas, bars etc that most would avoid under the circumstances) and so far managed to avoid CV. So it seems my T cells have been doing what they were designed by nature to do. It's all in the T cells, so to speak. And the 2 x vaccines, of course.
  6. That was visited only once by Tynwald after the document was published. In 2016, at the start of the then new administration, I sent emails to the newly elected in our constituency asking if/when either of them were going to ask the CM to provide an update on what had been achieved up to that point. Zero on all levels, no response and no update. The whole thing was binned. A complete waste of resources. This latest effort will probably go the same way. It will be forgotten within 2 years and we'll probably only see one or may be two department's reports laid before Tynwald before something more urgent needs to be dealt with. The style and content of the CM's Introduction is most definitely not from his hand.
  7. The person who's about to occupy the position. Happens all the time.
  8. And electric and water don't mix!
  9. Andy Onchan


    The Romans managed to grow vine as far north as Northumbria, so it wouldn't be the first time that vino-culture made this far!
  10. It was booked (February?) last year, apparently. And I was merely responding to Sid's assertion (and now yours) that it would be expensive. I have no idea if it was or not but I doubt Premier Inn's pricing model will be any different to any of the others' for the COP26 period. And I'm certainly not a government apologist, far from it. If you look back through my comments I'm probably one of their fiercest of critics.
  11. How much profit did the operating company make before any distribution?
  12. I'm told intangibles transactions can be a nightmare with HMRC if not done right.
  13. Is there not a chicane type obstruction at the approach to the 'junction', something that would slow both vehicle, pedestrian/cyclist before crossing the area?
  14. I'm still gob smacked that IOMG (and to a certain extent Dr. Glover) didn't/couldn't/wouldn't see the value of genomics as a lever to expand/develop the bioscience sector. Spectacular own goals at both end of the field.
  15. I think you'll find he's Professor Ashford.
  16. Andy Onchan


    And therein lies the rub. If it's good enough for the local government why isn't it good enough for the national government? After all, the SNP keep telling their people what a democratic party they are. It's on the very first page of their 2021 Manifesto.
  17. Andy Onchan


    You're very well wide of the mark there my friend. Can you explain to me why the SNP has zero overall control over any of the local administrations?
  18. Andy Onchan


    Language Timothy!
  19. Andy Onchan


    He calls himself that, not me. He's not pretentious but a realist.
  20. Andy Onchan


    That came from a former SNP Weegie friend of mine.
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