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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Despite that the human race still survives. That's my point.
  2. You can tell it's Friday!
  3. A number of Loganair's routing is PSO related.
  4. And yet after 500,000 years (and probably more) the human body has learnt to adapt to these threats and for the vast majority of that time without any intervention. Nature has taken it's course.
  5. In days gone by you would have been called "big boned"! 😅
  6. Andy Onchan


    Clever technology CSO Deep Blue.
  7. The thing with the fear factor is that they would probably only get away with it once. Next time around the public may not be so obliging.
  8. Now you're being silly.
  9. Between Ramseyboi and James Blonde is there room for any more "holier than thou" bloggers?
  10. Even then, I can't see an answer forthcoming as it might have the potential to identify people.
  11. Somehow I doubt that information will be made known.
  12. In case anyone's interested, here's the time table for the next round of COVID jabs issued by Public Health:
  13. If something similar were to happen again within the next 30 years or less, then I wonder if the current 16-45 age groups will stick two fingers up to the government over compliance?
  14. Don't forget your masks the pair of you. That should stop any hanky panky!
  15. Andy Onchan


    I do and I am! 😇
  16. Andy Onchan


    I'm in Scotland and my company pays corporate, council and every other fucking tax going so I think I have a right to comment. Her and her husband are only in it for themselves and only have one thing to offer; they're a one trick pony. She's a walking disaster and a liability. She has forced this once great country to it's knees all in the name of independence, at all and any cost. She's no clue. So stick that up yer kilt! 😂
  17. Can't see them refunding/paying at all now. They've been let off the hook.
  18. A couple of widgets don't work. The cost should be broken down as to what work was involved. There may be prepayments for copyright on photos etc which can be expensive, although there's no shortage of copyright-free stuff out there on t'interweb. On balance it does look as though, yet again, we haven't really got value for money. ETA: And most likely being hosted on IOMG servers, the cost of which is already paid for.
  19. No idea. But it's one reason why I believe the stats are not what they say they are.
  20. Good job Cornwall's opening a new lithium mine...
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