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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I'm afraid I don't believe some of the data. A kid is routinely tested with a LFT kit and is perfectly well at the time.... until they find out they're positive. Then suddenly within the next few minutes they develop a headache and say they're feeling unwell. Unless they have their temperature taken at that point then it's only their word for it.
  2. There are many individuals that donate money and their time to SA and other worthy institutions who also don't shout about it. So that's a red herring. I'm afraid, as others have said, that passing the responsibility for debt collection (which is what it is) over to a charity doesn't really do their PR any favours especially when they are, to all intent and purpose, guaranteed to make a profit (or at least breakeven).
  3. That tells you all you need to know about MG. Shocking admission that they can't deal with their customers directly.
  4. And promoted from within.... that's where the problem started.
  5. So who's installing the dish if you can't do it yourself?
  6. Isn't Blue Wave their local partner on the local retail side?
  7. So where's that £10million gone that the GMTPP gifted to them?
  8. It's no coincidence then that MT are sending out emails extolling the virtues of their fibre offering.
  9. "the work is weather dependent." So there'll be no work then for the next month.
  10. Andy Onchan


    There are certain former mining towns on the east coast that are seriously questioning the validity of the independence mantra. Most I speak to have no clue as to how independence will work or how it will be paid for. All you hear is "they can't even maintain the roads and most public infrastructure now, how the hell are they going to pay for it post-independence"? She is deluded.
  11. I wasn't suggesting we/they would be inundated with them. And there's more to corruption than graft. As I said, you don't have to dig too deep. You'll find out in due course now you're on the inside.
  12. Most investigative journalists are freelancers, aren't they? And if they've uncovered stuff that IOMG would rather their residents didn't about then it ain't gonna get aired by MR or printed by IOM Newspapers. There are stories out there and you don't have to dig too deep.
  13. Andy Onchan


    That woman is seriously alienating her own and her country in ways that you wouldn't believe.
  14. He didn't know what he was doing when he ordered the cabbage. And how's the Mercedes HV dealership repair business going? Has it created any turnover, at all? He's not just abrasive he's arrogant and rude, even to transport customers.
  15. Andy Onchan


    I think the last person I'd want to be seen with is Ooer Nicky!
  16. The reality is that there will have to be amendments until as such time as Treasury say enough is enough.
  17. For the most part that temporary layer would probably have lasted a good three years, which would have meant plenty of time to get proper plans in place. But that never happened did it?
  18. Is the Confit duck off? 🤣
  19. 🤣 You're forgetting the Chilli Jam!
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