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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I sincerely hope that it's not just the relatives of the deceased that take legal action... the driver should consider taking action as well.
  2. These food and drink festivals have been done to death. As you say, it's the same old stuff. It's only run to justify the Cyril's existence. Nothing more.
  3. Any indication as to who is representing Heading? Or is he representing himself?
  4. There was a time when a food offering was the tenant's preserve. He generated the revenue, passed some over to the brewery and kept the remaining profit, which generally meant that the food was good. Now the brewery have it all.
  5. At least he's said it. All his predecessor could do was order an enquiry that took over 12 months to even get started. Methinks that AC will be less accommodating than HQ on the subject of MG.
  6. They have a contract to distribute the gas which they and IOMG signed up to which you would hope included accounts being made available on demand.
  7. In some ways I don't blame the politicians.... why didn't the DOI executives (or whichever dept it is responsible for the MG contract) not get their hands on the latest set of accounts before Tynwald sat???
  8. Unfortunately the Fairy House is anything but free!
  9. Are you sure it's mandatory? I can't find anything on NHSInform or Public Health Scotland.... it's all guidance only. Lots up here wearing masks in food stores but go in a pub and no one is wearing mask. I work in an office block and I'd say that abut 60% of those moving around in the public areas are not masked up.
  10. I may be wrong but I thought the restrictions on longer opening hours was down to (not least) the fire and emergency cover, or lack of.
  11. Something tells me we're all going to be very disappointed about this fortune.
  12. That's how LLPs work. Some risk.... but lots and lots of reward. They reward themselves even if they fail.
  13. Of course we won't know about their profitability but you can be sure that the LLP owners in London get a cheque every month irrespective of any prices rises.
  14. Certainly MEA is a long way off from profit, no idea about Water. I suspect not.
  15. That's why I have never understood the necessity of having what is effectively a broker/operator in the middle. I'd rather the profits be retained by the nations utility authority to invest in new infrastructure when the time comes, instead of going cap in hand to the tax payer quite so often. An Act of Tynwald could force MUA to set aside a certain percentage of the profit for future re-investment. In the same vein, I'm also concerned that MUA will not have much of a say in any of the renewables infrastructure in the future, ie wind farm. Yes, there's capital investment to kick it off but the lack of critical mass on the Island would only serve to line the pockets of equity investment partnerships, just for being the broker/operator. It's strange that having realised how important our sea lane is that the same has not been considered for one of our most important national utilities.
  16. Andy Onchan

    Legco 2021

    Your words not mine. And the same can probably be applied to all the other banks on the Island as well. As I and lots of others who have had commercial dealings with banks on the Island will attest to.
  17. Andy Onchan

    Legco 2021

    RBS - he was acting on orders from above and from outside IOM. So if it wasn't Shimmins then it would have been someone else.
  18. Aye.... John Lennon Airport 50/50 with Peel Holdings
  19. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/search?q=Ancala+Partners+LLP
  20. Andy Onchan

    Legco 2021

    Gosh.... that's some forward planning Stu! 😁
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