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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. And there's the rub. If those tenants now have a level of income that supports a lifestyle beyond the social housing affordability criteria which they originally signed up to then there needs to be a review of the tenancy.
  2. I fear that the new terminal in LPL will also require dredging to keep the silt away from building up against the wall. I don't understand why the berth wasn't built out into the river in the same way as one on the opposite bank in Birkenhead, or indeed the existing Princes Parade. The disconnect between the developer and IOMSPCo is clearly evident when you drill down on the details of the project.
  3. Aren't IOMG obliged to have an airport director or named equivalent for legal CAA reasons and they must be able to demonstrate a minimum number of years in an operational role?
  4. And the irony of all this is that a proportion of the soon to be pensioners who live in the 5 bedroom properties want to downsize but can't because of a lack of suitable smaller properties. The housing mix is FUBAR. Until the end of the supply chain is dealt with the younger ones coming in at the start of that chain stand no chance. We need to encourage the older generation to move into smaller units so that bigger properties can be put on the market.
  5. Peel Holdings should be the last company on earth we should hand over to run our airport. Take a look at LPL.
  6. You should have heard him on the rugby field.
  7. He didn't puke up on a bus did he?
  8. If you had specified that before I wouldn't have put UK.
  9. But wasn't the chairman who drove the loan agreement through the board conflicted?
  10. Agreed. I've never understood the necessity for an outsourced third party operator, especially since there's no competition. Pointless.
  11. From a few days ago: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-27/europe-s-energy-crisis-is-about-to-go-global-as-gas-prices-soar We'd better hope/pray that this winter is going to be a mild one and that the wind continues to blow to power those wind turbines. Gas prices ain't coming down any time soon.
  12. The issue of course is how much the MUA put the price up to Manx Gas, as it's MUA that supplies the gas. So he should be addressing both MG & MUA.
  13. Indeed. Ranks alongside the election of HQ as CM.
  14. But why would there be a last minute rush to register? There's something very odd about that episode.
  15. The day before the vote She Who Speaks was walking through the Lakeside estate (Garff) and met a candidate armed with a list of 200+ households that had been 'missed' off the original register. I suspect they weren't all from our estate but it does make you wonder how many others, Island-wide, were also 'missing' 24 hours before the vote!
  16. That's because of the vaccines, not because of natural immunity. Ask the relatives of those who died in the first two waves if they think they died from a cold. Or don't they count?
  17. Here you go, as reported in the Examiner:
  18. Hijacked by the CS.... as usual.
  19. If she knows how to say hyperbole & Pfizer then that's good enough for me.
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