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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. https://a90road.info/ It works, I have driven up/down the A90 for a few years. On one occasion I received a fine for averaging 74mph and did exactly what you suggested above; kept within the limits for a period of time, parked up for a few minutes to make some mobile phone calls and then set off again, exceeded the speed limit several times. The result was the ticket. Only did that the once.
  2. The thing that amazes me about the PR wallahs in the Cabinet Office is the sheer amateurism that comes across.
  3. The HGV driver issue goes back to 2014 at least, it's not new.... there was a shortage then of 20K if I remember correctly. It's actually the cheap labour that's created the problem. Instead of UK haulage companies looking after their own they'd rather get cheap eastern European labour than to pay even a half decent salary to the drivers living in UK. Many, many UK drivers left the sector in early 2K because of that. Our insatiable appetite for cheap, cheap, cheap, lower, lower, lower has lead to this. The words reap and sow come to mind.
  4. Here you go: https://groceries.asda.com/product/sharing-crisps-party-snacks/asda-ready-salted-sharing-potato-sticks-snacks/910002726262 Let me know if you'd like some and I'll get them for you next time I'm over in the land of milk and honey.... and chipsticks!
  5. Somehow I don't think that's going to happen.
  6. Might he be asking himself those questions as DOI Minister?
  7. But doesn't that apply to all of them?
  8. The same as the roundels are not unmarked junctions, despite what Plod might say.
  9. Irrespective, there needs to be a serious clear out at the very top of the CS.
  10. Perhaps the first thing COMIN should do is replace the Chief Secretary and a couple of Department Execs with women?
  11. Blogs.... it's all about regurgitating IOMG press releases, nothing more really.
  12. Having a directly elected CM really won't make much difference in the way the Island is governed. 99.99% of policy is comes from the departments not MHKs and much of it mirrors the UK. What we need is someone who possesses eloquence and is able to speak with a level of authority on behalf of the Island to the rest of the world. JPW would be my preferred "leader".
  13. They've probably not gone any further than March because they simply don't know or can't guess what the PAX volume is likely to be. In any case don't most airlines run their timetables March to October for their Summer timetables and October to March for their Winter Schedules?
  14. I didn't vote for her last time. But she's taken on COMIN and the CM so in my mind is probably worth another go.
  15. I'm afraid Gareth is too wishy washy for me. No issues with Daphne though.
  16. She handles public speaking very well. But that's probably mostly down to her training as a journalist and being on the stage at one time. She has at least held COMIN's feet to the fire in the last 5 years and given the CM a run for his money.
  17. She had her wotsit on the pulse for anything relating to the Laxey floods at that meeting. She read aloud the part of the Arup Report that the questioner claimed had not been covered in the Report.
  18. Does IOMG spend money on music acts? We know that IOM Arts Council does but that's part of their remit in a much broader cultural offering.
  19. You obviously haven't played rugby then.
  20. Here you go.... took two minutes: https://www.garff.im/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Laxey-Flood-of-October-2019-Independent-Review-Arup-Full-Report-and-....pdf
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