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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. It's red tarmac.... but will soon degrade anyway.
  2. How are the bikes going to negotiate all the white lines along Glencrutchery Rd when the traffic was diverted when the prom was one-way?
  3. They're not stuck on an Island where a 999 call gets you an ambulance in 10 mins.
  4. I'm not saying it is and nor am I suggesting that they're not vaccinated (I've never said anything about that at all... you've just introduced that, not me). In principle I would agree with you if the wardens were anywhere but on an Island where you just can't 999 and expect an ambulance to turn up in 10 minutes when someone gets into breathing difficulties. I'm not going to make a big issue out of it.... I just think that the 2+2 regime is sensible given the location. You don;t. Let's just leave it at that shall we??
  5. Experimenting and right outside a school as well..... they couldn't have picked a worse place. Thick as pig shit.
  6. But that's a sensible thing to do though, isn't it? Especially since it's shared accommodation and very small?
  7. enshooer.... is the one that grates with me!
  8. But the vaccine will keep the vast, vast majority out of hospital and protect against serious illness. You forgot to mention that.
  9. The driver shortage was around long before BREXIT. If Brexit is to blame then it's because the eastern European & Turkish owner/drivers would do the work for peanuts (literally) making the profession financially unattractive for anyone local entering the sector. The average age of UK (and some EU countries) haulage drivers has increased because younger drivers have not been coming through.
  10. That's the issue though. Knowing our lot the GMTP will end up paying for it with more CS positions to "manage" the smoke blowing.
  11. Where are you getting that crap from? All the potatoes grown by Walkers come from UK.
  12. It will line the pockets of a favoured few, very few. All this smoke blowing really is quite pathetic. Meanwhile, we have a crumbling infrastructure due to lack of maintenance, a health service that can't even run an emergency dental service, projects that are a million miles away from being completed on time and on budget etc etc etc. And, the money is not his.
  13. And the tangible benefits for the Island will be what?
  14. No vaccine will stop you catching CV. It just reduces your chances of being seriously ill and/or getting hospitalised.
  15. LFT - heard a story this morning from someone in the Civil Defence (who have been assisting in handing these things out) that perhaps some were taking them to use when across on holiday. Not sure how that would work actually. Can IOM or other CD residents pick up LFTs in UK for nowt or do you have to register to receive them?
  16. Andy Onchan

    Manx Care

    OK. The reason for asking is: do the numbers of on-Island breast cancer cases warrant a resident surgeon? If so, that's worrying. What's happening to Men's Care? I hear there are plenty of cases of prostate cancer on-island. Does specialist care for that already exist? I have a vested interest in asking the question having lost my brother to the horrible disease in December 2019. That puts me and my other brother (who's not an Island resident) at greater risk.
  17. What about the Aspirin.... will you be claiming for those as well?
  18. That's more like it. You've got the job.
  19. Way too cheap. Go back and do your sums again.
  20. Andy Onchan

    Manx Care

    Will the Breast Care dedicated surgeon (in particular) & Nurse both be resident positions, or visiting?
  21. But that's the DOI way.... design & build something grandiose (car park-wise) and then let someone else worry about the maintenance and upkeep/cleaning etc. Weeds growing in the kerbsides, out of the bushes etc. It looks abandoned because it's been abandoned.
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