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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I'll have you know that Comrade Jo is a supporter of Mann.... he said so in an interview once on TV.
  2. You really don't need to understand the difference between laws of differing jurisdictions when it comes to saving life.
  3. Quite so. The thing that has staggered me are the numbers being admitted to hospital for and dying from Influenza/pneumonia (in England & Wales at least) and are being totally ignored by the media.
  4. But at some point it has to just fizzle out???
  5. I did wonder myself the other day that between those who are vaccinated and those with natural immunity how many would be left to contract the damn virus. It must be running out of hosts by now, shirley??
  6. Aye.... along the same lines as felling Elms! ETA: But I digress... didn't really mean to hijack the thread!
  7. Slightly off topic - I thought the DOI were bad but this is bonkers: https://www.newcivilengineer.com/latest/ashamed-to-be-an-engineer-nce-readers-react-to-highways-england-bridge-infilling-15-07-2021/
  8. I don't think anyone is advocating that Mann would or should be a county of England, it's more a case of an `independent' body that has experience in inspecting and making recommendations over safety of public and heritage transport systems. I'm sure any of the home nations will be equally as good as an 'English' or 'Westminster' inspectorate. If there's politics involved then it seems as if it's very much within the executive. Mitigating risk can only be a good thing, shirley?
  9. The data will be from ONS/PHE.
  10. Sadly Mr. Speaker has got his way. He's made no secret of the fact that he doesn't want the Island to open up? The question I have for him is.... if not now, then when?
  11. Where were these experts (the ones that keep getting re-tweeted and popping up saying how terrible it's going to be) when we had the last flu outbreak in 2018? https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jan/18/flu-outbreak-gps-under-huge-pressure-as-deaths-soar-to-120 Why are they not concerned about current levels of flu and pneumonia?
  12. Is it autumn already? You turn yer back for a few seconds and wumph..... bloody leaves on the line.
  13. What sort of percentage do you think those people are?
  14. TP any chance you can link these twitter posts, please?
  15. Has anyone out there received their polling cards yet?
  16. As if winter flu and covid wasn't bad enough.... along comes norovirus: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57865112
  17. And send an email to laurence.skelly@gov.im (Minister of the Department for Enterprise) and copy his political members: daphne.caine@gov.im lawrie@lhooperiom.com (for some reason he doesn't have a gov.im email address) peter.greenhill@gov.im rob.callister@gov.im
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