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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Now's not the time for that..... get out of the place first and then do your worst.
  2. Pieman - has your daughter received her test result yet or not?
  3. Antibody data produced by ONS would suggest that vaccine and natural immunity does work to create a 'herd' effect, despite the new variants that have emerged so far.
  4. They'd be on sticky ground with employees then.
  5. Not quite how I would have put it.... but in principle you're right.
  6. The exact same thing was being spouted by some near-neighbours on Tuesday evening. Utterly bonkers.
  7. Belfast on Sunday and Dublin next Tuesday.
  8. But no mention of whether symptomatic or otherwise?
  9. The only sucker around here is the GMTPP!
  10. Double jabbed or not..... no vaccine is 100% effective. Why is it that even clever people can't see that? And there's always (to coin an Americanism) a backstory to each death.
  11. You'd think they'd try and keep the white bits between the lines wouldn't you? My 5yo grandson could have done better than that.
  12. Latest set of data for deaths by Diseases of the respiratory system:
  13. http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=62704&headline=Restaurateur%3A This is lockdown by the backdoor&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2021
  14. They/we can't look after what we already have.... so what's going to happen when the areas covered by the blocks need taking up because a sewer is blocked or a gas line needs upgrading/replacing? The whole block area will have to be ripped up and relaid because relaying only the part that has to be ripped out won't go back down properly. The person/people who designed this are absolutely fucking bonkers. Zero forethought whatsoever.
  15. As each day goes by Mann is getting less and less attractive as a place to reside. All sense has gone out of the window when it comes to infrastructure planning.
  16. No choice, whether it's a large amount to cover or not. Without it there'd be no service.
  17. What, if anything, was in reserves to cover this?? Zero, presumably.
  18. Wasn't there a spate of planning applications in recent past years for erection of slaughter and meat processing units on farms?? Wasn't HRH's farm one of them?? Or have I got that wrong??
  19. And probably not enough detail in them to make any sensible management deicsions.
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