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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. That's because it was cheaper. I recall about 25 years ago you could buy (at retail) Manx lamb joints cheaper in Liverpool's meat markets than on Island.
  2. Somehow I doubt most of them knew their names would be on it.
  3. Which begs the question.... did they really need to be in there in the first place? Genuine question as 'we', as a society, seem to run to the quacks and and hospital at the first sign of a headache these days.
  4. They were all pre-vaccine program. Times are different now.
  5. That bit of sea helped.... which makes the decision-making easy.
  6. Do these Warwick Uni people take any of the antibody stats into account when interpolating any data?
  7. Here's the latest on antibody estimates: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/bulletins/coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveyantibodyandvaccinationdatafortheuk/22june2021
  8. The clinically vulnerable will still have their flu jabs plus the autumn CV top ups. Outside of that what are they being left to fend for? Genuine question. The only 'new' disease that has been added to the list is CV and that's being dealt with. Many, many more people will die of heart related and influenza/.pneumonia diseases than with CV.
  9. Latest data from ONS on CV deaths vs. influenza/pneumonia (England & Wales). Full data available from here
  10. Far too cheap.... you're out in the first round. ETA: Oh, and far too quick....there's no rush.
  11. It was the skirting boards that won the day. Without those the project would have been a disaster.
  12. In case anyone missed it: https://www.energyfm.net/cms/news_story_683545.html
  13. Wash your mouth out! They haven't finished yet... there's still time to have them fitted.
  14. This is what I've been banging on about for the last couple of weeks: 1_updated_Flu and pneumonia deaths now ten times higher than Covid (1).pdf
  15. It is a major thorough fare though.
  16. I do wish PM would just STFU so that we can hear what DA's got to say!
  17. Most ot today's newspapers have relegated COVID news to the inside pages for the first time in a long time. The much more important news of the football draw is a welcome return to normality!
  18. Week ending 04.06.21. So, still more people dying from influenza and pneumonia than from or with COVID-19.
  19. I've applied for the letter via NHS website in case the QR code isn't up and working by 28th June, we'll see what happens.
  20. Well we won't be going anywhere, anytime soon, at least not by ferry as the IOMSPCo booking system is down! Worldwide SagePay problem apparently.
  21. Well, in that case and in true IOM style I'll have 2 @ £50 plus the free postage at £4.99. Please send to: AndyOnchan c/o DOI Sea Terminal Douglas. (after all why pay less?) Cheers.
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