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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Of course we should remember that Alf was in the recruitment game, so probably created this bullshit himself.
  2. Yes, I thought about that awhile ago when I first went on the MXM. It's the biggest boat passenger-wise that IOMSPCo has had built and it would be a shame for it not to be used more outside of TT etc. and a loyalty scheme would probably help achieve that.
  3. They make some very valid points and Treasury should take heed unless they wish to see unemployment levels rise creating further pressure on the coffers.
  4. The thing is... if they were employed in health services/Manx Care then they would in all probability be replacements for people that have left/retired and so wouldn't necessarily be "new" jobs. It shouldn't be a difficult job to keep tabs on the number of movements via ITIP & NI accounts added, closed etc.
  5. I'm not sure the 700 are all Cyril's Servants, they probably aren't but then, as far as I know, IOMG haven't actually said where in the economy these people have been employed and how much, even in round numbers, these people are contributing to the coffers. John Webster asked this question to Alex & Alfie on the MR Budget Special program and the best they could come up with was "we have filled vacancies in the health sector", but nothing more of substance or detail. If you're (IOMG) going to spout numbers at least be prepared to back them up.
  6. Redundancies, I recognise that situation, probably along with many others who work in the private sector. Why should a CS be treated any different?
  7. TIme for a change then and some out of the box thinking. Otherwise the private sector will do it for them.
  8. Sorry Glad, as I said the last three signed-for items were not updated, even on the IOM system and after they were delivered! No word of a lie. Does anyone know where the IOM Post Hub is in the UK? Does IOMP even know where it is? When you ask at IOMP no one is able to give you a straight answer. I buy veggie seeds online and the producer/seller uses the RM 48hr service for the delivery. The last letter sized package I tracked (a small jiffy bag) was collected in Worcestershire and went directly to Preston the same day/evening . It then went down south to the Princess Royal Hub in north London(!) and sat there for two days, then back up north to Leeds for another 24 hours then over to Preston. The next I heard was when it was delivered three days later. It did appear on the IOMP website as being delivered but was shown on the RM tracking site as still being in Preston. So clearly the two systems don't 'talk' to each other. RM letter post, as you have stated, is now a second class service unless you pay for the premium. I think what RM need to do is be upfront with its customers and redefine the timescales for their service levels and for IOMP to assume responsibility at the earliest opportunity.
  9. What tracking? The last three letters addressed to me from UK to IOM were the signed-for service and trackable; each time they took 8 days to arrive and absolutely no tracking information available at all apart from the very first entry confirming receipt. Given what you say above perhaps IOMP should accept delivery in UK and arrange delivery to the Island instead of leaving it up to a bunch of clowns who are only interested in their year end bonuses and shagging sub-postmasters!
  10. Stu if you are reading this, please explain the process/mechanism of how and where RM liability starts and ends when mail is destined for IOM. Thanks.
  11. Alf.... how about cutting some of those positions in the cabinet office and other departments first before threatening us with cuts to coalface services???? You really are a disappointment!
  12. IOMSPCo are not off the hook for the investments that we/Treasury have made. It has to be paid back PLUS they need to start accumulating funds to purchase a replacement for the Manannan. The directors and management know what's required. I understand where you're coming from but the directors and management MUST be left to get on with their day jobs and start generating profit. Interference by MHKs is really adding nothing to the mix other than waffle for the sake of it.
  13. Do they? Or do they claim a rebate from the DfE?
  14. Makes you wonder if those MHKs who hold ministerial or departmental positions and questioning the management of IOMSPCo if they do the same for their own government departments?! If they did then I think they'd soon be told to FO by their CS colleagues.
  15. I think you'll find that's been going on for a while.
  16. I wonder how clued up OFT are with their retail basket pricing due to the myriad of pricing structures that Tesco employ?
  17. I've never bought any clothing from a Tesco store (in UK) but if the mens range is anything to go by on their website then I won't be missing much. I think the cafe area will be very popular.
  18. That's pretty shameful and quite sad really.
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